Chp.42 Shigechi's Irreversible Sadness Death

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Josie: (YN)! What happen!? Are you okay?!

Okuyasa: We heard a loud explosion and suddenly heard Shigechi's voice!

(YN): H-He...He got exploded!

Josie/Okuyasa: What?!?

Josie: Exploded?! What do you mean!?

(YN): I-I don't know! I-I just saw him all wounded and seem badly injured, and he seem he needed help, so I rush to him...a-and suddenly...he exploded!!

Okuyasa: J-Josie! (Y-YN)! Look!

Suddenly, the three notice Shigechi's stand, Harvests was the only one copy left, it was holding onto a button from a shirt somehow as after that, Harvest then exploded into pieces and leaving the button alone...

Okuyasa: I-It was Harvests! B-But it exploded!

(YN): Just like Shigechi did!

Josie: Th-Then that means...he died!?

(YN): ...By the looks of it...yes.

Josie: N-No! That can't be! It can't!

Josie then picks up the button...

Josie: We have to go to his middle school, and look for him right now!

(YN) Mind: ...I-I somehow remember...this kinda happen seem's the same person who killed Mr.Avdol and Kakyoin!? And even Mr.Kujo!? I-It can't be!! So he's still here in Morioh!?! No! I have to find him, but first I need to find Shigechi! the three look for Shigechi in his middle school just in case...Meanwhile, in the hidden street of Morioh, where Reimi Sugimoto is to be found before, she was walking with her dog, Arnold, until he then suddenly howls up the in the air, as Reimi looks see none other than Shigechi's soul flying across the air and suddenly exploding into pieces...

Reimi: O-Oh no! It can't be! Not again! That foul demon! He's taken another life! Another victim screams across the skies...why does this keep happening!?!

As soon Shigechi's soul was torn to pieces and gone forever...(YN) felt deep down...that Shigechi was truly gone for good...and has to tell everyone here in Morioh what happen to him...and the only thing he needs proof is with the help of Reimi...she's the only one that can see souls arriving on the hidden street where she's always there with Arnold...later on the day, it was sunset, all the people (YN) knows father around to have a meeting about Shigechi's death and the murderer still lurking around the town...Him, Josie, Okuyasa, Okuyasa's father, Koichi, Rohan, Yukako, Tamami, Hazamada, Tonio, Tsuji, Josephine, and Jocleyn, all gather around about it as (YN) started talking about the death of Shigechi and the murderer...Reimi as well, as she can recognize the picture of Shigechi she just saw of his soul...

Reimi: There's no doubt about it. This boy has passed. Shigechi must have run into the killer and cost him his life. The whole thing is sickening. I know what you all are thinking, how did they meet? How and why he was murdered?? But I have no idea. I'm positive this is "his" what he's doing. I recognize that handy work of that murderer anywhere. Trust me.

(YN): ...We just looked for him and couldn't find him anymore. I still don't get how this could've happen? We only let him out of our sight for 5 minutes. His books and school supplies are still at his desk. Later on, we notice his parents filed a missing report on him. I doubt it won't be useful anymore.

Koichi: W-Wait! What are you saying (YN)?! You don't think it could be a stand user who has done this.

(YN): ...You guys couldn't possible notice, but Shigechi's stand, Harvests, was...well in a word was damn invincible. But what the hell?! This guy killed him 5 minutes, then hidden his body out from campus without anyone noticing.

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora