Chp.41 Kira Yoshikage/Killer Queen

Start from the beginning

Kira: Behold, Killer Queen! I named it myself and truth be hold, I'm quite proud of the monicker, but before you have the chance to utter this to another soul, I shall eradicate you, I'll sleep soundly tonight. I can already feel it. Oh, and I'm only telling you this because you're gonna die little boy. After you bite the dust, I'll be able to sleep soundly.

Shigechi: Tch. Hey now, didn't I just told you not to live an inch! Your about to see how my Harvests work in battle!

Killer Queen: SHIBA!!!

Killer Queen started throwing rapid punches towards Harvests, but were too many as they surrounded Killer Queen and Kira as well...

Kira: Well now calling me surprise, I never knew you manage to summon several of these little things.

Shigechi: This is your last time pal! Move again and I'll carve that neck of yours into pieces! Judging by the look of your stand of yours, it may look menacing and all, but it turns out to be shitty when it comes to long range fighting! By the looks of it, it's fighting range is close combat to 1-2 meters! Sorry but you won't be able to compete again mines! Shi-Shi!

Kira: Fascinating. From the looks of things, each user is without a doubt having a unique ability. Hm. Stand, I believe that's the term you use? But I should tell you, as far special abilities goes, Killer Queen has one that puts others to shame.

Suddenly, Shigechi notices Killer Queen holding something on its hand, Harvests snatch out from its hand as it brings it to Shigechi...

Shigechi: Huh?? That's weird. It's just an ordinary 100 yen coin. What the heck are you planning to do with this??

Kira: Simple, I was gonna reveal what Killer Queen's terrifying and unique stand, there's no point keeping its power secret when you're already good as dead.

Shigechi: Eh??

Kira: Killer Queen has an astonishing power. Any object it touches, becomes an explosives, ripping its targets on sunder. Hehe. That's right, even a simple 100 yen coin.

Suddenly, Shigechi notices Killer Queen was about to press his thumb, knowing if he did, then that 100 yen coin he's holding will explode and kill him...

Shigechi: Harvests no!! Drop the 100 yen coin and-

Too late, Killer Queen Ah as already press his thumbs to his fingers as the 100 yen coin caused the Shigechi to blow himself, his whole body expand as he then self exploded..after he "killed" Shigechi, Kira then grabs the lady's hand...

Kira: Hmm. Well now, that didn't took long. Now, my glorious sleep awaits home. Oh?

Kira notices Shigechi was still alive, but having his whole face busted up, and blood spilling out from his mouth and nose...

Kira: I see. Maybe that didn't kill you enough.

Shigechi: M-My face!? It's all busted!? What the hell did you do to me!?!

Kira: I told you, Killer Queen has the ability to transform anything it touches into a bomb. That's what it do when you asked about this 100 yen coin. I press the detonator whenever the urge hits me, and once it's triggered, the victims will be blown into pieces inside out. Though in your case Shigechi, it appeared the blast partially imploded your mouth form face, leaving behind a stomach turning cock tail . But before I deliver one final blow to end your life for sure, I must ask you about earlier that is important. Earlier you refer to this power as a stand. So, so the others, Josie, Okuyasa, and (YN) also wield the power of the stand?

Shigechi: P-Please! Someone help! I don't wanna die here-

Kira: Oh no no no no no. Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh. Your death is necessary at this point. Now that you know my secret, I cannot let you live. It's nothing personal, but I cannot allow letting a single soul to expose the true nature to Yoshikage Kira. Though I must admit, I find myself fascinated by these stand users. I could figure this out on my own. But I rather use the fleeing resource that flies before me. Josie, Okuyasa, and (YN), who are the others beside them? How many users are resisting on this town? What are their powers?

Shigechi: I-I don't know! J-Just let me go please!

Kira: Come now, I'm sure you know more than you're letting on. And if you refuse to tell me, your parents will pay for their lives.

Shigechi: N-No! Y-You wouldn't! I-I would never let you hurt mamma and papa!!

Kira: Well I won't lay a finger on them if you don't give me the answers I want. Now quit you're stalling before anyone sees me. Just the names will do, how to it boy?

Shigechi: H-Hey! I-I heard rumors that there's a murderer here in town and is tryin to kill again! It's all making sense now! You're the murderer! You crazy sick son of a bitch! You kill Reimi Sugimoto too!

Kira: What?! How do you know that girl!?

Shigechi then was able to summons plenty of Harvests to distract Kira ...

Kira: The little shit is still able to use his stand?! This isn't good! Killer Queen!

Killer Queen was summoned as it started throwing Several rapid punches towards Harvests, after clearing the way, Shigechi suddenly vanished...

Kira: That brat. I was so close to killing him.

Kira then walks away to go and find Shigechi...soon to find out Shigechi was hiding behind the bushes, thanks to Harvests making a camouflage with leaves...

Shigechi: I-I manage to slip away! ...N-Now I ...I have to get to Josie...Once I do, she can use Crazy Diamondto fix me...and tell her and the rest about Yoshikage Kira, being the murderer of Morioh, and the killer of Reimi Sugimoto!


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