She looked tired and exhausted.

She went to the kitchen and drink some water. Her back was facing me cause she's putting the glass into the sink.

I went to her and back hugged her. She was surprised but immediately recovered.

She face me and hugged me back. I didn't expect her to hug me back. She rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I-i'm sorry Lili". I said as tears began to fall again. "Shhhh stop saying sorry to the things you didn't mean to do". She said that made my heart aches. Here we go again, she's saying words again to stop me from blaming myself.

I miss her.

"I miss you". She said while her shoulders are moving. Is she crying? "Lili are you crying?". I asked and I felt she's wiping her tears.

She parted our hug and faced me.

Her beautiful face was red. Her pretty doe eyes are swollen. "Thank you". She said as I felt her sincerity in her words.

I'm confused.

"Why are you saying thank you?". I asked and wiped her tears.

"Thank you for being my medicine when Everytime I felt pain. Thank you for filling me when everytime I feel empty. Thank you cause you are my rainbow after a heavy rain". She said genuinely while looking straight into my eyes.

"Lisa". The only thing I could utter was her name. I cried harder, her words marks my heart.

"Stop crying Nini". She said and hugged me. She caressed my back and smelled my hair.

"I miss you. Your hair, your smell, you touch and everything. I miss everything about you". She said. I don't care if her chest will get wet.

I cried harder into her chest.

"Lisa". I heard Rosie at the kitchen's door.

I looked at her and she was crying as well. While Jisoo was in her back.

"I'm sorry monkey". She said and went to Lili. "Yah Roseanne Park. She already accepted your apology". I said pouting my lips.

"Nini stop pouting". Lisa said avoiding me. "Why? Don't I look cute when I'm pouting?". I asked pouting my lips more.

"No you are cute. Just stop pouting". She said looking at me with puppy eyes.

We four went to the living room to fix things up.

I sat beside Lili and cling my arms into her. She wrapped her long arms to my petite waist.

"Lisa do you mind us asking?". Jisoo unnie asked nervously. "I don't mind unnie". Lili said and caressing my waist using her thumb.

"Can you explain to us what's the video meant?". Chichu asked again while showing Lisa the footages.

She removed her hands into mine. She's wearing her unreasonable expression again.

"Those are just nothing". She said and bowed her head.

We know it's not just nothing.

"Lisa tell us the truth please". Rosie said leaning to Jisoo unnie's shoulder. "It's nothing really. I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable talking about it". Lili said.

I caressed her back. "It's okay Lili. Just let us know if you're not fine okay?". I said and she put her head in my shoulder.

"How's the trial Lisa?". Jisoo asked. "It goes smoothly unnie. We'll just continue to attend the hearings until it'll finish and we'll win this". She said resting her head at the headrest of the couch.

"I'll prepare our food". Chichu said and went to the kitchen with Rosie.

"I owe you an explanation". I told her as I bow down cause of embarrassment. I played my fingers as nervous envelopes my whole system. "You owe no one Nini. Stop overthinking again please". She said that made me look at her.

She's smiling as if nothing's happened.

She's smiling as if she saw nothing.

"But you saw me. You saw Kai kissed me right?". I uttered. "Stop worrying about the things you didn't mean to do love". She said and held my cheeks.

"But I just wanted to tell you the truth Lili. Sajang-nim called me that morning. He told me that he has something to tell me but he locked me and Kai at the dressing room. Kai kissed me and I pushed him away and slapped him really hard. I swear Lili he's nothing to me. He's not worth jealous with". I explained was long. I catch my breath cause if my long explanation.

"Did he hurt you then?". She asked with furrowed eyebrows. "No he didn't cause someone helped me to run away from him". She held my hand. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I didn't protect you. I'm sorry for running away". She said that made me soft.

"No lili. I should be the one saying sorry. I'm sorry for giving you pain. AGAIN". I said emphasizing the last words.

"Don't be sorry. Let's just forget it and focus in the future. Besides what we do in the past doesn't define who we are in the future". Lisa and her philosopher side.

"Can you forgive me?". I asked full of Hope. "I told you Nini. You still not ask for forgiveness I already forgave you. Jesus can forgive then who I am not to forgive. I'm just a human". She said chuckling.

She's LISA. A girl who is true to her words. A girl who's perfectly imperfect. She's LISA, the one and only Lisa who was love by many because of her kind heart. She's such a simple girl with a pure heart.

What can I do to deserve someone like you.

You don't deserve me Lisa. You deserve someone who can't give you pain and makes you happy.

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