Chapter 13:The Journey to the Afterlife

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Klaus POV :

This all sucks !!

Ben must think I am an idiot but I am not . I know that you don't just chop someone to pieces and put them in buckets .

I am fairly certain that five the asshole is actually five the time traveling cannabalistic assassinating asshole .

But there is a 0.1% chance that five wasn't going to eat the future me . But it would make sense if he did .

Everyone must be wondering what happened .

Well after we landed on the table , five explained everyone the situation , and after that I avoided five like a plague ,

But my self peace and moment was cut short when Luther found out that dad send him to the moon for no reason at all .

Let's say he had a breakdown and he got drunk, threw me across the room literally and then on Ben's highly annoying persistence both of us are looking for him .

We managed to find Luther in a bar and currently both of us are looking at him , gawking with jaw dropped at Luther's ape like body .

Luther seemed most definitely high .

He was dancing around shirtless and people were thinking he was a furry .

Unfortunately for us Luther got into a misunderstanding.

I wanted to leave but Ben told me to stay . I sighed and helped Luther but again unfortunately for me I got thrown across the room and my skull cracked and I died .

Guess this is it .

I opened my eyes to a weird place .

I saw a girl on a bicycle come towards me and apparently this is the afterlife and most shocking of all she's god as in the almighty himself or should I say herself ?

She told me I can't stay here because she isn't exactly fond of me drinking and the devil doesn't want me either.

Well that's great .

The girl or god or whatever said that : "You can only stay dead when you find internal peace and when you help all of your family and accept your destiny".

Well wtf is that supposed to mean ?

Then she said someone is waiting for me at the barber shop ?

I thought it was Dave so I immediately ran to the shop and sat on one of the chairs.

But as it turns out , it wasn't Dave but Sir Reginald Hargreeves Aka dad .

We had a conversation which wasn't exactly pleasant.

He thinks we were destined to save the world from the apocalypse and I found myself wondering how he knew about the apocalypse in the first place .

I told him about Luther and he asked if he was alright and i know that you will call me crazy but it seemed like he actually cared . Reginald Hargreeves actually cared . Isn't that Mind blowing .

He was about to tell me something important but my immortality kicked in and I woke up with a gasp and realized it was still night .

I went to the academy and went to sleep after telling Ben what happened .

After I woke up in the morning I realized two things after talking to Luther who just had sex .

One Luther was a virgin .
Two Five had a gun shot wound when he blew the commission up.

Anyway I called a family meeting and it only consisted of Luther and five , I was trying my best to make sure that five doesn't realize that I am avoiding him like a plague .

Unadopted (A Klaus Hargreeves AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora