Chapter 6:The Best Dead Sibling

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Ben's POV :

I was standing near my statue which looks absolutely nothing like me .

I kinda hate that statue .

Some people (dead ones) might wonder why am I here ? Or why haven't I moved on to the afterlife ?

The truth is that the only reason I am staying here is because one I want to see and watch and somehow protect my family and two I am a bit too scared to go to the light .

I have been here for more than 11 years now and I think it's completely hopeless to think my family will see me or notice me .

I know that people can't see ghosts and the only thing that can see a ghost is another ghost .

So whenever those screaming revenge seeking ghost come near my family I try to scare them off .

Even though I wouldn't matter because those bad ghosts would just pass through them .

But it's the only thing I can do. Because if I stop doing that I am afraid I will become like one of those screaming ghosts which is kinda ridiculous.

I sigh , if someone says they know what torture is then they mean physical torture, but the worst type of torture is mine , the emotional torture .
All these years I saw my family fall apart one by one .

Everyone left and the word 'family' wasn't suitable anymore.

Not that it ever was to begin with but back then at-least  we talked to each other , now I am sure no one has talked to each other in years .

The only time they gathered agin was on Allison's wedding and now in the funeral .

It's safe to say that they only see each other at weddings or funerals .

It's all fault I sometimes think , because after I died , everyone left each other . I know that the others won't want me to think that but it's not like I  can talk to them or so off .

I sigh a deep nonexistent breath .

The perks of being a ghost , you never get tired.

I have only been with Vanya , Diego , Allison and Luther each per different year , but Luther than left to the moon and Allison shifted even further away so I had to look after only Vanya and Diego .

But after Vanya's book I couldn't believe she could write things like that .
I was upset a lot at first .

Then I calmed down enough and forgave her even though if she couldn't see or hear it .

I was just staring at the statue when a  skinny dude came out in the backyard . He was looking around and then he saw my statue and he kept staring at it .

He was probably a stalker or a fan . I couldn't help but stare and glare at him . Wait what if he's a serial killer!

Nah ! He's to non serial killerish .

This guy stood up and looked at me . And if I hadn't gotten used to and accepted the fact that no one can see ,hear, touch me then I would have said that he was looking at me.

I just kept staring at him . It's not like he can see so I can stare and glare all I want  .

Klaus POV :

I know that Ben probably doesn't know me and most definitely doesn't know about my powers but why is he glaring at me ?

Wait ! I god it !! He thinks I am a stalker or some shit .

I was looking at him for five minutes so he could figure out the fact that I can see him .

Ben removes his glare to a confused look and he looks behind to see and figure out what I am looking out .

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