"Just bring him back, please," said Soren softly. That was all she needed.

Ashlynn stood and stepped around them carefully before snagging her keys from the counter and leaving the apartment.


Soren watched Ashlynn leave, his mind a mess of emotions. He could only hope that she was able to find his youngest sibling and bring him safely back. Dorian's sniff brought him back to the present.

"Come on, I have to clean these," muttered Soren as he tugged himself to his feet and guided Dorian to the strip of cloth and bowl of water where he removed Dorian's shirt and began cleaning the wounds. To his surprise, Dorian resisted slightly and stared at him with some unspoken, unsure look.

"Wh...what happened to you? D...did the human do something to you?" he asked. Soren dipped the cloth into the water and continued to clean the wounds.

"She didn't do anything to me. She was actually helping me get better so I could leave and find you," he said stiffly, trying to shake away his thoughts and focus on his brother. Dorian shifted uncomfortably and winced as Soren took his arm and ran the cloth over it.

"Dad said you'd be different," muttered Dorian, tears welling up in his eyes once again. Soren's jaw clenched as his set-aside, festering hatred for Brady instantly resurfaced. "He said you would be more trusting of the humans and that you'd be tricked into luring us out of the walls like bait. I... didn't want to believe it... but..." Dorian used his free arm and covered his face as he broke into another round of sobs.

"Dorian," said Soren firmly, but kindly. "I haven't changed. I had to improvise in order to survive." Soren took a shaky breath before continuing. "You know, she let me go once already and I went back our camp in the walls. You were already gone, but she did let me go." Dorian's eyes peeked up from his arm to stare at his brother.

"Really?" he asked. Soren nodded. "But... what if it's a trick?" Soren smiled reassuringly.

"No one tricks your older brother; and I promised to take care of you no matter what. I saved you both from the trap, and I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to go with you the first time. I promise that won't happen again."


Ashlynn was instantly hit with a burst of cold air as she threw the door open and stepped into the snowy exterior of the apartment complex. She knew exactly who Soren was referring to and made a beeline for her apartment.

Susan Bonmeyer, or Grandma Susie as she liked to say, was an elderly lady who lived on her own with her cat Jaida. She was useful when it came to mending and creating dresses and outfits and was always kind. It was hard to believe she would set up mouse traps of any kind, but she did have a grandson who came in town from time to time.

Ashlynn realized she had a problem just as she reached out and knocked at the door. Soren had always seemed adamant about keeping himself and whatever he was a secret. Ashlynn couldn't hardly ask if Grandma Susie had seen any small people running around. Thinking of what she was going to say, she tapped at the door briskly. After a few seconds, the interior door swung open revealing Grandma Susie.

The wrinkles on her face curled into a smile and the crows' feet by her eyes sent rippling wrinkles to her ears. She adjusted her thick rimmed spectacles as she opened the door and beckoned Ashlynn inside.

"Oh, hello Ashlynn. Come on in," she said sweetly as she stepped to the side. Ashlynn stepped in after wiping her feet, grateful that the elderly woman's apartment was saturated with heat which must've cost a fortune. "What a pleasant surprise. I was getting my cards ready for a game. Would you like to join me?" Her voice had an elderly timbre conveying a genuine, kind heart.

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