"But I'm a good child to both of you! I just bring headache. Hihi."

"Glad you know." My mum is giving us a Karen attitude vibes again, "Speaking of headache...." she said while slicing her steak.

My dad and I looked at each other, we knew what she's gonna say next.

"Have you made up your mind?" she took a bite and stared at me, like she wanted me to slice next.

I looked up at dad, he just gave a gesture to answer my mum's question.

"Well, to be honest, I tried."

"What tried?"

"Ya know, I tried to look girly.." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Really?! When? Do you have any photos of you?"

"No mum! I just tried straighten my hair, Jisoo did it for me. I didn't tried wearing anything. It's just my hair."

"For sure you look pretty, I can see it." Dad said.

"What do you expect? Both her parents are good looking." My mum said confidently.

"Ohh, I remembered, was that the day you came to the salon with your hair down?" She asked and I nodded. "Keep trying, you'll get used to it." She lovingly smiled.

I can see how much she wanted me to change, but as to what I said, it's hard and I cannot do that in an instant. This is what I got used to be.

The day went well, we went back home and get our rest since they both have work for tomorrow. While me, just anywhere. Looking for sexy and hot girls ;)


My mum and dad went out early, I didn't get to have breakfast with them since I got up late.

"Good morning miss Jennie. Your mum wanted you to visit the three nearest branches to have a check and update for each salons today." Our maid said.

"Good morning, I'll just eat breakfast and a shower after."

I ate my breakfast, it's pancakes but with Chanel designs on top. I don't know they keep doing that, but it's cute though. Maybe, they are manifesting to make me the Chanel's ambassador one day....

I slapped the air thinking that, "that's so impossible."

I prepared myself after everything, I wore a gray jacket and sweatpants with a denim jacket and I ponytailed my hair.

I prepared myself after everything, I wore a gray jacket and sweatpants with a denim jacket and I ponytailed my hair

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I look handsome, right? C'mon girls! Tell me the truth! *winks*

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I look handsome, right? C'mon girls! Tell me the truth! *winks*

I arrived at the nearest branch, I greeted the employees and the customers. I just checked how they are doing and how's the customers' satisfaction. As usual, our employees are really doing a great job. They were trained very well by of course, Karen, my mum.

Next destination, the second nearest branch, I did the same thing with the first one. I also got the same update, everything's working well. I hope it stays for more decade.

and the last destination!! Finallyyy! This is really tiring too, but for my mum, I'll do it. It will lessen her work things to do.

I arrived at the third branch, as expected, everything is the same. There is just a lot of customers today.

"Woah, a lot of customers today..." I said while looking around, everyone is busy making them pretty and handsome.

I was standing at the entrance, I just feel amazed by them. It's really satisfying to the feeling seeing how the business is successful. As I was day dreaming, a bursting customer came in and got bumped into me. She was in a rush.

"Ouch...." I said while caressing my shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't notice you."

"Oh, it's fine.." I said while not looking at her in a slight cold tone.

"I'm really sorry." She said and bowed her head, she continued walking in.

I looked up and saw her back, "She has a really long hair. Nice. She must be really pretty..." I whispered to myself and walked towards the counter, I wanna see the logbook if this is how much customers they get daily. I took some time looking at it, it's not daily but it usually happens every week. I'm happy for that, we got a lot of loyal customers.

The girl that got bumped into me earlier was getting her hair cut, I feel bad for her hair, why does she need to cut it off short like that.... but still nice though, go, go go! make her pretty.

As I was staring to their direction, I heard noises from my back because of someone came in.

"Heyyy! Good morning, how are you doing? It's been a long time...." I can hear and know that it was one of our employee.

"Good morninggg... I was in a vacation, I need new hair color." she said while laughing.

I didn't mind them, I was too busy with the girl getting her long hair chopped.

but the girl that just came in, sat down beside her to get her new hair color.

"What the heal...." I whispered, my eyes widens in shock.

CHANGES - Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now