Moving On and Letting Go

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Natasha tried to calm the queasy feeling in her stomach as the space ship that had brought her husband home yesterday carried them into the sky. She looked around the ship trying to assess her situation and looked for possible ways to escape if it came to that. After years of being a spy, some things just did not go away.

"Okay." Rocket said as they left the atmosphere and the engines changed to that of one that was more capable for their current condition. "Who here hasn't been to space?"

Her and Steve both raised their hand along with Rhodey, who had a look of confusion that he was even being asked that question.

"Why?" He muttered and Carol chuckled, earning a small glare from the man.

"You better not throw up on my ship." Rocket warned and turned back around.

"Approaching jump" Nebula warned as they sped up dramatically.

Steve grasped the edge of his chair tight and grabbed Natasha's hand. He could not believe his eyes at all the colors and shapes that moved past him. Natasha kept her thoughts on her family, already planning a vacation. Somewhere nice and sunny, only coming back for Sam and Sharon's wedding.

It took less then a minute to get to the planet Thanos was hiding out on. None of them allowed the tension to leave their bodies. Carol stood up and went over by the door and flew out in front of the ship.

"I'll head down for recon." Carol said and disappeared into the planet's atmosphere.

Natasha unstrapped herself and picked up a tablet. She began to make a list of chores that had to be done when Tony was finally able to go home, as well as a grocery list and a vacation list. The red head looked up to see Steve looking at a pocket watch, inside was a picture of Wanda at a waterfall.

"This is gonna work, Steve." She told him softly.

"I know it will." Steve said, snapping the watch shut. "'Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

"Where was that?" She asked softly, nodding her head at the watch.

"Multnomah Falls." Steve smiled softly. "We went about four months ago and Wanda then got me the watch for our anniversary a few weeks before Wakanda." The smile dropped from his face.

"Steve. Nat." Rhodey called to them and they both walked over to the window to see Carol flying up.

"No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defenses of any kind." Carol informed them all and Bruce looked at her with confusion. "It's just him."

"And that's enough." Nebula said with conviction.

Loki smirked in triumph at this thought because the hopeful side of himself, a side he had long since given up on, was wishing this would be enough to get his brother to stop with the self-hatred.

After they landed they decided it was best to send Carol in first, followed by the others.

"Are you sure I can't go in there yet?" Loki asked, watching his reflection in the glint of his daggers.

"We need him alive to give us the stones and watch as we undo everything he did." Natasha informed him as they made their way towards the stairs, following Nebula and Rocket.

"Fair point." Loki grumbled, making his dagger disappear with the blink of an eye.

Steve hated the satisfaction and pleasure he got when the three of them entered the room and he saw Thanos in such a vulnerable position. He then remembered all that the man had taken from him and the hatred disappeared.

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