What the Future Holds

Start from the beginning

"I know." Steve reasoned. "But someone needs to go get Rhodes."

"No one else can do it?" Tony asked.

"There are a lot of criminals out here, that we are preventing from getting to you, so no." Steve grunted, he was most likely fighting one of the criminals.

"Alright." Tony said reluctantly. "Anyone have a visual?"

"There's a strong lead pointing to the seventh floor." Sam informed him.

"You owe me big Rhodes." Tony muttered and catapulted himself through the ceiling.

Clint did not lower his bow and Rollins did not lower the gun. Natasha's eyes met Clint's and suddenly Clint's plan came to her. Years of working side-by-side was finally paying off. Slowly Natasha lowered her hand away from where it was gripping Rollins hand, which was wrapped around her neck.

Clint's eyes flickered down and shot his arrow, it wedged itself in Rollins hand, causing the other man to scream. Natasha took advantage of this and elbowed the gun out of his other hand, and then jumped down, landing on her back.

Quickly Clint notched another arrow and let it fly, it burrowed inside Rollins' temple, killing him instantly. It was silent for a moment, neither one of the spies moved, but then Clint shook his head and ran over by his friend.

"Natasha." He called.

"Hey." She called back as he gathered her in his arms. "Took you long enough." She teased.

Clint smiled into her hair, but then his face warped into a frown of confusion when he felt the bump on his friend's stomach.

"Nat?" He said and pulled back, placing his hand on her stomach.

"Surprise." She said awkwardly.

"Stark's?" Clint asked, to which Natasha nodded. "Does he know?"

"It's what I was going to do before Hammer got us." Natasha informed him.

They both heard a big bang and then nothing. Clint helped his friend get up and waited until she regained her balance. He then notched another arrow and slowly set off in the direction of the noise. Natasha reached down and grabbed the gun that had been against her head moments ago and got into her defensive mode as she followed Clint.

Reaching the other end of the floor they saw a small hole, but large enough for a person to fit through, and then an identical one directly above in the ceiling. Clint slowly let the bowstring go and he reached up turning his com link on.

"Anyone wanna tell me why there is a hole in the building?" Clint asked, handing a spare one to Natasha, who placed it in her ear, not for one moment letting her guard down.

"We found Rhodes." Nick said from his place back on the Barton Farm. "Stark is on it now."

"Clint." Natasha said desperately.

"What floor?" Clint asked for his friend, since her com seemed to lack in the communication department, allowing her to only listen.

"Barton, what about Romanoff?" Fury asked, his voice lacking any emotion even though Clint knew how important Natasha was to him.

"I got her. Now what floor?" Clint demanded.

"Seventh." Fury informed them.

Natasha turned and bolted for the stairs. She heard Clint running behind her, keeping up with her easily.

"Be careful." He warned now that he knew of her condition.

"Shut up." Natasha growled, but slowed down a little.

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