Chp.36 The Mysterious Blonde Man/Reimi Sugimoto Pt.2

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Reimi: Yeah, and as for a ghost like you, cutting off ties in this world and passing on into the next.

Reimi turns around and crosses her arms..

Reimi: ...Do you guys even know how many boys and girls have been disappearing from this town? To clear it out, right times, national average. And I'm not saying all of them, but at least some of them are being killed in secret without anyone knowing, by him.

Koichi: W-Wait a minute! Are you saying that these murders are still happening still?!!?

(YN): Hey now! Don't make baseless claims okay?! You just said you didn't see the murders face! So how the hell should we know?!

Reimi: ...Because...the souls of the murdered fly above all the time here! And they have wounds just like this, just like how he left me on my back!

Reimi pulls her upper dress, and shows  them her big wounded scar she got from the murder of her death...

Rohan: N-No way!!

Koichi: H-How cruel!!

(YN): Sick! It's long and deep! Just what kind of heartless cruel bastard does that?!?

Reimi: I can't talk to the ones who go to the next world. But I've seen them many times! But I know deep down he's still continuing doing this! I just know! These murders have been going on for 17 years in Morioh, where I was born and raised! It frightens me, and wounds my pride! But when they catch the murderer, my beloved Morioh will be known national wide as the town where the murder lived. We have to stop the murderer as soon as possible! Even now, he's targeting someone, and I can't do a thing! He's going after someone else next, and I don't know who! That's why, if you three, the livings, don't take back the town back to its pride and peace, then who else will!?

The three were shock that the murder Reimi is still lurking around the town...

Reimi: I don't know if you guys understand what I'm saying, but...that all I can say now.

Koichi: ...I-I see now. I'm shock about this. But we have to do something about this!

Rohan: Stop being such a goody-two-shows Koichi. It's just gonna cause more trouble.

Rohan then started to walk away and seem like he didn't wanna help after all...until...

Rohan: Then might be good to go after the murder and interview him. And I might right about this as a interesting work on my manga.

Reimi/Koichi: *smiles*

(YN): Hehe.

Rohan: So, is the exit that way?

(YN) and Koichi lean towards Reimi and whispers her...

(YN): Just to let you know, deep inside, I can tell he's a good person...

Koichi: But he's pretty gray when it comes to being trustworthy.

Rohan: Hey, are you listening?

Reimi: Oh, right. The exit is that way. If you turn left past the post box, it's right there.

(YN): .....

Koichi: .....

Rohan: .....

Reimi: And yes I know what your thinking, we been coming from that way several times...but if I were you, I wouldn't rush towards it. There's a certain rule you have to follow to get past there.

(YN): A rule?

Rohan: To get to the exit??

Koichi: Really??

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