"Change the past...to save the future..." it whispered, sounding strangely like himself.
"What do you mean?" Rocky cried.
"Warning..." it said. Rocky had not time to think about this, because the train rolled right off the tracks, exploding as it hit the water.

Rocky woke up in a cold sweat, heart beating out of his chest. His breath came in rapid pants as he felt himself over.

"I'm alive...I didn't die..." he said in shock. He squeezed Zuma tightly.

"Ugh...Wocky?" he murmured, waking up.

"We didn't die!" Rocky said joyfully.

"Die?" Zuma mumbled, trying to go back to sleep. Rocky licked his face happily, and Zuma gave up. "Ugh...you know what? It's fine, I'll just get up now," he said sarcastically.

"It was just a dream!" he said. "Good god, I thought I was going to die!"

"Please...stop..." Zuma sputtered, pushing Rocky over with a single paw. He wiped his face off with a paw. "What's going on with you today?"

"I had this crazy dream that the train tracks ahead of us blew up, and we all fell to our deaths," Rocky explained. "And some voice said something about the past...future...warning..." Rocky said.

"Huh," Zuma replied.

"I know right? It looks so...real..." Rocky trailed off. "Real...too real..."

"Well, if that's all, I'm going back to sleep."
"No...no...don't..." Rocky replied.

"I don't feel right. I know it was a dream, but it seemed too realistic...

"Aren't all dreams?" Zuma asked.

"Not all of them. This one felt like a memory..." Rocky said. Zuma sat down beside him.
"But it didn't happen?" Zuma asked.

"Warning...change the past to save the future...warning...warning..." Rocky mumbled to himself. "Didn't happen...didn't happen..." Rocky mumbled. He gasped. "Did happen...hasn't happened...yet..." his heart rate increased. "Zuma, it will happen! It just hasn't yet!" Rocky said, grabbing Zuma by the shoulders.

"Wocky, you're scaring me..." Zuma said fearfully. Rocky's amulet flashed red. Rocky looked down at it anxiously.

"I think this has something to do with my powers..." he said mumbled.

"Again?" Zuma murmured, slightly annoyed.

"I think it's a warning, Zuma. A warning! I don't know how this happened, but I think something is about to happen!" Rocky cried.

"Dude, you are totally overreacting." Zuma yawned.

"I'm not, I know I'm not. I can't be wrong. I'm never wrong..." Rocky mumbled to himself.

"Cover your ears," he warned.

"WAKE UP, GUYS! NOW!" The pups were shocked awake, fully alert. They sprung to their paws.

"What's wrong, Rocky?" Skye asked.
"There is no time to explain guys. I wish there was but there isn't. I know you are confused, but if you have any love for the passengers, any love left for me, hell, any love left for yourselves, you will listen to me." Rocky opened the door.
"Skye, I want you to fly outside and push the train back. Take Rubble with you. Push as hard as you can. Just trust me this one last time. Go now!"

"How? I've learned to fly just fine without them, but wIthout my Windrider wings, I can't control the wind!" Skye cried. Rocky put his paw over hers.
"Skye, you've always had the power inside of you. Listen to me! Marshall trained you well! Trust yourself. Now go!" Hearing the urgency in Rocky's voice, Skye obeyed, though she had absolutely no idea what was going on.

When The Past Becomes The FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora