Trouble At Sea

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"Thanks for coming so quickly pups!" said Ryder. "We have an emergency!" The screen dropped down in front of them. A cartoon version of the mission was displayed on the screen.

"Capt'n Turbot's flounder has sprung a leak in the middle of the bay! The ship is sinking fast, and Turbot is still on it! Even worse, there a storm brewing, and the wind and waves are out of control!"

"Oh no!" said Skye. "That's terrible!" Ryder swiped on his pup pad.

"Mighty Skye! I need you to fly over the bay to find Tubot's ship quickly." Said Ryder.

"This pup's gotta fly!" said Skye doing a backflip.

"Mighty Zuma! I need you to use your powers to calm the water near the ship. I also need you to locate the leak in the boat."

"Let's dive in!" barked Zuma, slightly half-heartedly. Only Skye and Rocky noticed, with Skye giving a small whine.

"Mighty Rocky! We'll need you to use your energy tools to fix the leak."

"Green means go!" said Rocky.

"Paw Patrol is on a roll!" shouted Ryder

"Skye! Do you see anything up there?" asked Ryder, driving his ATV over the ramp, turning it into a hovercraft.

"No, not yet! It's getting really hard to fly up here, the winds are getting rough up here.

"Ok, stay safe Skye!" admonished Ryder.

"Wait... I see something! Its... Turbot's ship!" said Skye.

"Excellent work Skye! Lead us on!"

As soon as Ryder and Zuma's hovercrafts hit the water, they lost all control, being tossed about at the mercy of the waves. "Whoa! Zuma, you're up!" Zuma raised his glowing paws in deep concentration.

"I'm trying, Wyder!" he said through gritted teeth. "This storm is weally strong!"

"I know you can do it, Zuma!" encouraged Ryder. Zuma closed his eyes and pulled his paws in towards him, then extended them like he was on a tightrope. The waves quickly began to calm down around them., bent at the will of their new master.

"Thanks, Zuma. Let's go!" Ryder floored the gas pedal, shooting across the water like an arrow from a bow, Zuma, and Rocky not far behind him. Then Ryder's pup pad showed Katie. "Hi, Katie, I'm in the middle of a mission here, call me back later?"

"Hi Ryder, just here to tell you that the storm has been classified as a level 3 hurricane, and it's quickly increasing in intensity and strength. Stay safe out there, and get back as quickly as you can."

"Thanks for the warning, Katie, will do. Ryder, out."

Zuma's aura of calm traveled with them. Soon they could see Captain Turbot.

"Help! I'm over here!" he said, waving his arms in the air. Skye had landed next to him.

"Help has arrived, Captain! You're safe now. Zuma! Try to locate the leak before the whole ship goes down!"

"Twy to hang on while I'm gone, k?" As Zuma dived down into the water, the water slowly became more turbulent.

"Ryder, are we going to be okay?" asked Rocky fearfully.

"We'll be fine Rocky, Zuma won't be long." And he wasn't. He came up about a minute later.

"Guys, I found the leak! Thewe's a rock fowmation down here that Turbot didn't see. It tore a long tear in the side of the boat."

"Great job, Zuma!" said Ryder, giving the lab a thumbs up. Zuma smiled before placing his glowing paws back into the sky. The storm had intensified much more than when They had first left. Zuma looked as if he were going to buckle under the pressure.

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