Strange Happenings On A Strange Island

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Rocky added some more wood to the fire, looking over at Zuma. He was stretched out by the fire, warming his paws up.

"Good, you're up. I was starting to get worried," said Rocky walking over the Zuma.

"It takes a little more than a fweezing water wescue to take me out," said Zuma, puffing out his chest.

"Yeah right," said Rocky nudging him, "If I hadn't gotten this fire started, you would've died of hypothermia."

"Well, pwops to you for that, I guess," said Zuma, smirking.

"Props to me... I saved your life!" said Rocky putting a paw to his chest as if he was offended.

"And I saved youws, so now we're even," said Zuma, licking Rocky's cheek. Their playful banter was just a way to hide the fear they both felt for the other's safety.

"Now that we've finished cheating death, what do we do?" asked Rocky.

"Hmmm...I think we should explore the island and try to find out where we are," suggested Zuma.

"Good idea, but maybe we should find some food first. I'm starving," said Rocky, stomach growling.

"What food? We're on an island in the middle of nowhere." question Zuma, exasperated.

"Good point," admitted Rocky sadly.

"We'll just have to tough it out. Come on, let's go explore," said Zuma, walking towards the cave entrance.

Rocky thought about putting on his suit but decided against it. It wasn't made to keep you warm.

Rocky followed Zuma out of the cave, carefully arranging the brush back around the door.

The wind had stopped whistling, and the waves had calmed down. There was still a lot of snow on the ground though.

"Hmmm, this is going to be hawd to walk thwough," commented Zuma, pulling his paws out of the snow.

"Let me see something." Rocky's paws began to glow. A glowing ball of green appeared in the sky. "A shovel should do the trick," said Rocky forming a glowing green shovel with his powers. He then looked it over. "It'll do." he finally said. Rocky sent the shovel ahead of them, clearing away the snow as they walked. Rocky and Zuma looked around, taking in their surroundings. Not that there was much to take in mind you. It was nothing but a vast expanse of white, which blanketed everything. After walking for a bit, they stopped for a rest.

"Honestly, I was expecting more," said Zuma dryly.

"Yeah, me too. It's going to be so boring waiting for Ryder to find us."

"Agweed," said Zuma. As the duo stood up, Rocky tripped over something.

"Oww!" said Rocky, yanking back his paw. There was a small laceration on his skin, and it began to bleed a little.

"Whoa, dude, you gotta be more caweful." Said Zuma, bending his head to lick Rocky's paw. Some Zuma had licked his cut clean.

"Thewe. That should help," he said.

"Thanks, Zuma. It feels a lot better now," said Rocky examining his paw.

"What did you twip over dude?" inquired Zuma.

"That dumb rock over there," said Rocky, pointing a paw in the direction of the rock. Zuma glanced at it and said,

"You mean this one?" he said pointing.

"Yeah, that one, why? It's just a rock." Rocky said.

"No, it looks more like a squawe," said Zuma, looking at the rock more closely.

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