Outside The Law Part 2

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"Team B? How are things going on over there?" Ryder asked after contacting Team A.

"Umm, we're still trying to find a way in, Ryder!" said Rocky. The building they were trying to infiltrate was heavily guarded. The FBI expected someone to try and break-in, so they covered all the bases. There were sweeping stoplights, armed guards, and a regular patrol around the building. They even had people up on the roof. All on high alert.

"Wyder, we might have to fight our way in, because they have this entiwe place locked down," said Zuma."

"What do you think, Zuma?"

"I agwee with Wocky, it's going to be the only way in.

"Okay pups, but be fast. They're going to radio for help the moment they see you. That will limit your time." warned Ryder.

"Ok, we will. Over and out," said Rocky.

"What's the plan?" asked Zuma. The team leader thought for a moment.

"We need to get rid of the guys on the roof first. Then we can work on the rest of them," he said finally. Zuma and Zuma nodded and pulled their hoods up. There was a fire escape running up the side of the building. Luckily, there wasn't anyone guarding it. Quick on their paws, they silently made their way over to the old ladder and began to climb up it. Rocky peeked his head over the roof. There were four men, one on each corner of the room.
"Ruff, googles!" whispered Rocky. He scanned the men and realized all of them had military-grade rifles. Rocky pulled his head back in.

"These guys are armed and dangerous. We need to pick them off one by one if we're going to have a chance," he whispered. "Each of us will take one. Be silent, so the fourth one doesn't know we're here." The roof was very large, as was the building. The pups pressed their pup tags, and the black stripe running through each of their clothes spread, taking overall color, turning it pitch black. The pups climbed up the ladder quickly and kept close to the ground. One man yawned.

"Jimmy, you still awake?" he asked.

"Yeah, John, I am," he said.

"I feel like all this security is a waste of time, no one is getting in here." said another man.

"Yeah, but orders are orders. Besides, we're getting paid very well to do this." said the last man.

There was silence for a minute. Rocky crept over to Jimmy and cuffed him over the ear so hard, his brain vibrated against his skull, knocking him out instantly. Zuma tiptoed over to John and held his claws to his throat.

"And you better not scweam, or I will kill you," said Zuma. The man weakly nodded. Zuma would never do such a thing, (well...) but the man didn't know that. Zuma thought for a moment then asked,

"Do you have a keycard?" the man nodded again and took the chain off his neck, placing it gently in Zuma's open paw. Zuma then punched the man in the side of the jaw, and he went out like a light. Rocky and Zuma looked up and saw Marshall, licking his paws.

"Wow, you guys are slow," he said. At his paws, were the other two men, bound and also knocked out.

"Gweat job, Marshall!" complimented Zuma. Rocky looked around on the roof for a way in. Maybe we don't have to fight the men at the front. There was a metal grate that connected to the AC system in the very middle.

"Ruff, laser!" said Rocky. A laser attachment came from the cloth on his left paw, and he proceeded to cut out the grate.

"What if these men wake up?" asked Marshall. Rocky thought for a moment.

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