Rocky's Past Part 2

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"Meres was the god of this world. Now he wasn't like you probably imagine an all-powerful god being. He wasn't calm and serene, floating over a cloud, watching his creations do whatever, occasionally striking down the wicked with lightning. No, though he was wise, Mere's was more like a playful grandfather. He didn't stay up in the cloud all day, he'd rather live with his creations. Meres did have a throne though. In fact, this room that we are in is the throne room." said Michael, gesturing to the room they were in."

"Wow, said Rocky and Zuma, looking down at their paws. "So I have some of his power in me?" asked Zuma

"Yes, you do," replied Micheal smiling gently at him.

"Me too?" asked Rocky, tail wagging.

"Well, you are a special case. Your power is represented by me. I am your divinity represented as you."

"So, do I have a spirit double too?" asked Zuma looking around for his copy.

"No," said Michael.

"Why not?" asked Zuma, a little disappointed.

"I'm getting to that, hang on. Meres had infinite forms, so sometimes he was a human, sometimes he was a bird, but his favorite form was a dog.

And lastly, Meres was not immortal. If you stabbed him through the neck he would die just like every other creature. But because he had control over everything, if anything happened to him he would just heal himself, because for Meres to die, it had to be instant, sudden, and lethal. Lots of people think that God is, but the truth is, everyone has an appointment with death, even the creator of life. Except his death was a little different. Every time Meres died, he grew a little stronger. Like the phoenix, he was reborn, but not from ashes. At the place of his death, a massive lightning bolt would strike down, birthing him again from the heavens."

"Meres had died lots of times as a pup, as he was always getting himself into trouble. But every time he died, he retained his memories of his past life, even though he had to start life all over again. But one thing was significant about his death. Every time he was reborn, he would grow a little stronger. But the more power he gained, the harder it was for him to stay sane. The amount of power he had driven him to something called power sickness. In short, power sickness is when the amount of power you have goes to your head, and the power controls you, primarily your emotions, instead of you controlling both. So Meres created an amulet to store to hang around his neck. He charged the amulet with the essence of peace. The amulet counter-balanced his powers, which kept him in control, but it also limited his power."

"Okay, that's a nice story, but what does this have to do with me?" asked Rocky confusedly.

"Yeah." agreed Zuma.

"I'm getting there, hold on," said Michael, albeit a little impatiently, licking his paws. "One day, as Meres was mingling among his creations, he heard incessant whining from the woods, which were very close to the city. He ran over to see what was going on. Not that he didn't already know, but sometimes he really disliked being all-knowing. It ruined surprises and changed decisions. It makes life boring to live. So he blocked his omniscience and followed his ears to the cries. He found a dog who had fallen into a large hole in the ground, and a tree had fallen over it, trapping it inside. It was a cinch for Meres to lift the tree, even though he was still in his dog form.

The dog he saved was a female dog named Marina. Marina, who had no idea who Meres was, was exuberant at being saved. Marina asked Meres to help her get back to her owners. Meres agreed to help her and brought her back to her owners, who were overjoyed to have her back. When Meres left, Marina asked where he lived, so she could visit him. Meres, who still hadn't told her who he was, said that she could meet him by Duckling Lake every evening before the sun went down. Marina did just that, and every day for 2 years, she met with her god, creator, rescuer, and best friend. Marina and Meres fell in love, which was something that Meres had always wanted to do. But seeing as to how he was a god, everyone was too intimidated by him. Except for Marina, who he still hadn't told of his identity.

Eventually, the love between the two blossomed, and Meres proposed to her by Duckling Lake one night. Marina was happy to accept, and it was then that Meres told her of his identity. Marina was shocked, and wouldn't believe it until Meres lifted her into the air with his mind. Still, this revelation stopped nothing between the two, and the two were married 3 weeks later, though Meres told Marina never to tell anyone who he was.

"Aww, he found true love! That's so sweet!" said Zuma, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Aye, it is, but that's not how it ends," resumed Michael."Marina wanted a family soon, and she became pregnant soon after. Mere's and Marina were very happy. That is until tragedy struck. Their pup was still-born. Marina pleaded in tears for Meres to save him, but that was the one thing Meres couldn't do. Meres could've resurrected his son, but his power was inhibited by the amulet he wore around his neck. Marina didn't understand why he couldn't take it off. Meres knew if he took it off, he'd immediately lose his mind."

"Marina refused to bury her son. Meres kept the body from decaying, and every day for a week Marina visited him. Meres knew Marina would never be the same again after losing her son. So on the eighth day, he took a deep breath, and with cheerfulness, he didn't feel told Marina that their son could be saved. Marina was overjoyed and licked Meres all over. Meres told her that he loved her very dearly and always would. Marina thought he was just expressing his love for her, but she should've known sometime was wrong when he said that just out of the blue, but she was too happy that her son could be saved for that. Meres told her that he needed some privacy, so he told her to go a little ways away, and when she saw the second lightning strike, to come up to the mountain. Marina looked perplexed but obeyed."

"Meres picked his son up in his paws cradling him as a tear slipped down his cheek. A life for a life. He thought. Then he held his son up to the sky channeling down a massive lighting beam from the heavens. Just before the lightning bolt hit them, he pulled off his amulet and placed it on the ground, unleashing his true power. He immediately succumbed to power-sickness, but it didn't matter. The lightning beam washed over him and his son. The lightning killed Meres instantly, but almost before the first lightning stick was over, another beam of lightning flashed from the heavens, trying to rebirth its master. The lightning beam hit Meres's stillborn-child, who he had placed in front of him before his death, and absorbed into his body."

"When the strike was over, the cry of a healthy puppy rang out across the still air. Marina heard his cries and ran up the hill, nuzzling her resurrected son and licking him all over. Then she saw Meres, and her heart caught in her throat. He was laid out peacefully on the ground, fur smoldering. Marina tried to shake him awake, but there was nothing she could do. Meres was dead. Then Marina noticed a note that Meres had left, a little ways from the strike zone. She padded over to and read its contents. The note that he'd left behind helped to lessen her grief. It said that he had been reborn in his son. The only way for him to save their son was to sacrifice his life for his. His life-giving essence and his memories were reincarnated with him into the blast, along with a little of his character. But his body was gone forever, along with his mind. His divinity fused with the spiritual side of his son, seeing as to how he was born of divinity and dog. In closing, he told Marina of his undying love for her, and how he would see her again someday. Marina smiled, looking at Meres reborn in her son. Then a powerful green light emitted from him. A snow-white figure stepped out of him and put on Mere's amulet. The amulet turned intangible, like the rest of him. He smiled at Marina before receding into her son."

"Marina buried her husband on that mountain. She took the best care of her son as she could, but all too soon, she caught a terrible sickness. The vets couldn't figure out what it was in time. Marina died soon after, Mere's secret dying with her, and her son was sent to the adoption center." finished Michael.

Zuma stared at Rocky with his mouth open wide.

"What are you staring at me for?" he asked perplexed.

"You still don't get it, dude, do you?" said Zuma faintly.

"Get what?" asked Rocky, the wheels beginning to turn in his head.

"Meres's pup reincarnated and resurrected is you!" finished Michael. Rocky passed out.

Bet yall never saw that twist coming eh? So, Rocky is a demi-god with his father being the creator of everything and his mother being a regular dog like him. But how does Michael know this? And what does this mean for Rocky? Find out in the next chapter.

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