"As I'm sure Marcus and Taja told you, you will be competing for your dinner. Four of you will be fed, and the other four will go hungry. I will be selecting the first two contestants. Chase, and Skye, you're up!" he boomed.

Chase and Skye looked at each other awkwardly, before breaking into a run towards the food. Before they got very far, and bubbling pool of acid opened up in front of them, making them skid to a stop. Skye was going too fast, and Chase caught her by the scruff before she received a one-way ticket to the Great Beyond.

"Thanks," she said, licking Chase's cheek. Chase turned away quickly, not wanting Skye to see the redness in his face.

"Stage one!" shouted Jason, and a wall this ropes and holds came don from the roof, splashing into the acid. "Climb over this wall to move on!" he said. Chase and Skye jumped for the wall at the same time. They held on, but something was wrong.

"Skye, do you have a...

"Sinking feeling?!" Skye finished screaming. The wall was slowly descending into the acid, leaving the pups with little time to get across. Skye was light, and quickly ascended the wall. But Chase was heavier, and he was having trouble getting up the wall. The acid was way too close to his tail.

"Chase, you have to move faster! You're going to get killed!" screamed Skye, looking down at him. Chase scrambled up the wall as fast as he could, acid almost touching his hindquarters.

He jumped up onto the platform beside Skye just as he ran out of room.

"Holy pup treats! That was way too close!" he shouted. But Skye had already left him behind.

"Sorry, Chase, but I'm hungry!" she shouted. Chase ran after her. Closer and closer they drew to the food. Then the floor in front of them opened p, and a large wheel with long axes started spinning. The sharp metal gleamed in the light, waiting to tear into the pups' flesh and blood. The wheel was turned on its side, and Chase had to jump back to avoid being cut to bits.

"How are we going to get past this?" asked Skye. Chase was already on his stomach, crawling underneath the blades with no room to spare. Skye was late to start, so Chase had made it past the blades and was moving on when she came out after him. Still, she was fast, and began to catch up to him. When they were level, a large square piece fell out from up under Chase's paw.

"Wha...?" Chase went. Skye looked down, and realized that the ground was beginning to fall away.

"Chase, run!" she said. Suddenly the entire floor opened up in front of them, with many pieces of

the floor gone. Skidding to a stop, they found that the places where there wasn't any floor fell down into a dark chasm about five feet below them. Small, sharp, and jagged pieces of glass stuck up from the ground.

"Ok, Skye, let's take this slow," said Chase, jumping from tile to tile as best he could.

"No time for that Chase! Look!" she screamed. Chase looked behind him, and the roof opened up, and a long wall dropped down. It quickly began speeding towards them.

"We're going to be knocked off into the chasm!" said Chase. He nimbly hopped from tile to tile, Skye right behind him.

"Chase, help!" she said. The tile right in front of her has fallen in, trapping her. Chase stopped and looked ahead. Safety, and victory, is so close! But it was never really a struggle for Chase. He'd always been going to let Skye win, because he loved her and would rather see her happy. But this was dangerous. If either one of them did something wrong, they'd fall into the glass strew floor below, and be cut to bits. Chase spun around, calling out to Skye.

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