"What's going on Skye? No one's going to make you do anything..." said Ryder, confused. Zuma was the one who figured it out.

"Oh, no... That was you, Skye. I'm so sorry," said Zuma sympathetically.

"What the heck is going on!" shouted Chase, sick of not knowing what was happening, fear rising in his heart. Zuma looked at Rocky. Rocky was still mumbling incoherently, and Skye was beginning to do the same. Zuma murmured something the rest of the pups couldn't hear, and Rocky and Skye nodded. Zuma took a deep breath.

"Thewe's a lot about them that you don't know. This is sewious." he began.

"Who is Jessie?" asked Rubble, still not getting it. Zuma just pointed in Skye's direction.

All the pups gasped.

"Why aren't you surprised like the rest of us? How do you know this?" asked Marshall.

"Because Wocky... tells me things...that he'd never tell the west of you," said Zuma, both pridefully and regretfully. "Are you sure, guys?" he asked at the two figures, whose descent into madness was ever-deepening. There was a nod from both of them, again.

"I will tell you what's going on." began Zuma. "Before Wocky joined the Paw Patrol, he had anothew ownew named Rick. One day, when they stopped to get a special tweat, Wocky was kidnapped. He was taken to a facility where there were a lot of other animals, namely, dogs. He found out that his best friend, Marcus, had been captured, too. He also found ouw Skye, who had not yet become a Paw Patwol member. Wocky was...tortuwed to put it lightly... by a psychopathic man. Wocky and Skye, whose name was Jessie at the time, and Mawcus were tortuwed frequently, and Wocky was picked evewy day. The details of that tortuwe aren't something that I'm going to go into. For 3 years this went on, and Wocky and Skye still away scars, covered by their fur. One day, they found out how to pick locks with their claws, and they escaped. But Mawcus sacwificed his fweedom so that Wocky and Skye could go fwee. Wocky and Skye eventually became members of the Paw Patwol, but they never spoke of their past to you. Rocky told me his past a few days ago. He still has nightmawes about it. This is just the shortened version with all the howwific abuse cut out. I will say that Wocky has gone through more pain both physically and mentally, than any of you in this entiwe woom." Zuma finished. All the pups sat, shell-shocked. Ryder was stunned and fell to his knees. Wocky and Skye had managed to pull out of their steeping downwards spiral, and tried to look professional.

"We aren't going back," said Rocky calmly.

"Yeah, and we'll leave the Patrol before you make us," said Skye.

"Hey, calm down, no one ever said anything about making you go back. I'd never force you pups to do anything," said Ryder.

"As much as I love Marcus, if I go back, then his sacrifice was in vain," said Rocky.

"Except this time, it wouldn't be," said Zuma. Rocky looked at him for a second.

What are you talking about?

Your powers! If you can learn a few more, and learn to control them better, you could pretend to hand yourself over, then rescue Marcus!

Hmm... That's a great idea! He thought, smiling. Those who weren't invited to the telepathic conversation were confused. One moment Rocky was looked upset, and now he just started smiling.

"Umm...guys?" said Chase tentatively.

"Sorry..." mumbled Rocky. "Just, an inside joke." Ryder looked at him queerly for a second but didn't pry.

"Wow... I never knew..." said Marshall.

"Who knew our Skye had such a horrible past, poor little pup," said Chase, whining, not even caring that his feelings for Skye were starting to show a little.

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