Strange Happenings On A Strange Island

Start from the beginning

"Big whoop, a square rock," said Rocky sarcastically. Zuma pressed the rock with his paw and it sunk into the ground a little with a grinding noise.

"I don't think this is a rock, it looks like it's a trigger of some sort." Zuma looked around.

"There's another one!" said Zuma, running over to it and pushing it down with his paw.

"There's one right over there too!" said Rocky, catching Zuma's excitement. He pressed it, and like the others, it went down a little with a grinding noise.

"What do you think they do?" asked Rocky

"I don't know? Maybe they are switches to a secwet entwance or something... like you see in the movies.

"That's preposterous," said Rocky, watching Zuma go over to another stone and push it in.

"These rocks totally don't do any..." the rest of what Rocky was going to say was lost to the ages as a large square rock rose out of the ground. It had a picture of a dog carved into it, and it was made from the same material as the other stone.

"What were you saying?" said Zuma, smirking at him. Rocky's jaw hit the ground.

" did... huh?" he babbled. Zuma walked over to the raised stone switch.

"Hey, Rocky, there's a symbol carved into the stone. It looks like a pup tag. Rocky cautiously joined his partner. "What? Oh... it really is," said Rocky. The symbol looked like a pup's tag with three arrows going in circles around it.

'"It looks just like your pup tag!" said Zuma, bouncing around excitedly.

"This doesn't make any sense...why is this here?" said Rocky confused, one paw touching his pup tag.

"Does any of this make any sense? No, it doesn't. But you're hewe for a weason, and I intend to find out why. Come on Wocky, put it in the slot."

"Well okay, but if this goes bad, it's your fault," Rocky warned him

"Fine, now put it in already!" exclaimed Zuma. Rocky unbuckled his pup tag and nudged it into the slot. Nothing happened.

"Humph... It thought something was going to..." The large stone began to open up from the middle, going out towards the sides. Dust fell into the cavern and there was an eerie glow. Coming from it.

"My tag!" exclaimed Rocky, who quickly withdrew it from the slot it was in. The hole slowly began to close.

"Let's go, Rocky before it closes!"

"I...I can't we don't know what's down there!"

"And we'll never know if we don't jump!"

"I...I...I..." said Rock, panicking.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way."

So just before it shut, Zuma pushed Rocky in and jumped after him. The fall wasn't far, and there was a bed of leaves conveniently placed at the bottom. They both managed to land on their paws, Rocky with extreme grace.

"DUDE! That was totally uncool!" said Rocky, flustered.

"Yeah, maybe, but you wouldn't have gone otherwise."

"You could've gone by yourself."

"And let you miss out on all the fun? Never." Seeing Rocky glaring at him, he whimpered and bowed his frontside, ears against his head, looking submissive.

"I'm sowwy Wocky, but I just have this feeling that we need to be here. I just don't know what came over me, it was like I needed to push you. I'm sowry for being a bad pup." Zuma whimpered. Rocky's heart melted seeing Zuma like that.
"Oh, Zuma, you're not a bad pup, you're my best friend! But don't do that again." Zuma sprang back up and bowled Rocky over, licking his face incessantly.

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