"I can imagine them in a mafia movie shit, you know, their style really suit the role. It's hot."
She gave an assessing gaze to them and you just shook your head.

Both of them sported formal suit, Yoongi with his signature all black while Hoseok wore grey suit and pants over black shirt.
Their matching topcoats were draped over the backrest of the chairs.

You didn't know whether you should laugh or cry with her words.
You wondered what she would say had she known the gun that the men carried under their coat at all times.

"I guess they do fit the kind of role."
You chuckled, before remembered the purpose of contacted and met with her today.
"So, you can come to my wedding, right? You can go with Chen."

Everything was quite hasty with the wedding, the logistics were handled by a wedding organizer and you practically only needed to decide on your wedding dress.
Not that you would complain, you were tired most of the time, the bed being your favorite retreat lately and you blamed the fluctuating pregnancy hormones for that.

The absence of parents from both sides eased every decision, Yoongi almost could care less about the whole wedding affair, as long as it reflected the assigned budget respectively.

"Just decide on things that you really want to fit to your taste.
Everything else, you can trust them to Ms. Cha, she knows well what to do. You need plenty of rest.
Besides, what matter is the result."

"Right, ... as long as we get a grand well planned wedding."
You sat next to him, while caressing your belly, thinking about the baby.

The last ultrasound had shown the tiny bean had every limb in place, it looked like a grainy image of miniature human that was squinting and grimacing, and you laughed when at one time the obstetrician showed you the weak jolt of little fellow, because of a hiccup.
It was fascinating, and you couldn't forget his reaction when he saw how the baby moved at the monitor, the soft pressing of his hand on yours were the sign that he was just as affected as you were.

"As long as you are mine in the end."
He put his hand on top of your hand that placed over your belly, his eyes were trained on you with a firm look. One that never failed to stir your inside.
The look that always left you wondered, if the way he desired you was something ordinary, it was endearing and subtly unsettling at the same time.

"Then why not just have a courthouse wedding instead? Save the money and all the hassle."

He chuckled as if your idea was too ridiculous to even ponder about.
"Sweetheart, I have enough associates and rivals who will be questioning my marriage if we just hold a civil wedding. Rumors always spread faster than the fact. I'm sure words on the street will be a bash to my name, among of which they will think I marry you because you are pregnant."

"That's kind of true though."

He threw you a dirty look.
"You know what I mean. Don't get yourself too caught up with the whole affair, that is what the wedding organizer for. We only have to show up, say our vow, smile and cheers here and there, then you will be mine."

The way he said it with such deep meaning inside that tone, you knew well that when you decided to say yes to his proposal was the moment you had to be ready for whatever coming your way.
Just like Yujun said, every decision had its consequence.

Yejin's hearty laugh was the thing that snapped you back, gazing at her who was still staring at the two boys.

"There is no way I will miss the wedding of the nation. Please tell me that gorgeous boy in front of your fiancee will be the one who sit next to me later." Yejin chuckled while picked up her chopstick and started to dig on her spicy ramen.

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now