"Fucking let me go right now" I said through gritted teeth, my gaze not breaking with hers. I knew I would regret how I was treating her and everyone later, but right now my thoughts were clouded and I only had two things on my mind. One to get Austin to come to his senses and two to go and give fucking Casey a piece of my mind.

"Charlotte Roman you are not getting behind the wheel of a car right now" my Mom said, gabbing onto my wrist tighter as I tried to break free from her grasp.

"I'll take her wherever she wants to go" I heard Rich say in a surprisingly calm voice, my head snapping over to look at him. It suddenly dawned on me that if I wanted to be with anyone right now--aside from Austin-- it was going to be Rich. I nodded my head as I walked over towards his car, my eyes following him as he walked inside to get his car keys.

"Honey, where are you going? Come back inside and calm yourself down first" my Mom said trying to coax me away from Rich's car. I shook my head no as I crossed my arms over my chest. I had every intention of going and giving Casey a piece of my mind. I didn't need time to calm down, I didn't need time to think I knew that this was what I wanted to do.

"No, just let me go" I said, hearing the car beep as he unlocked it with the fob, my arm reaching out as I grasped the handle pulling the door open towards me as I slipped inside. I looked out the windshield to see both my Mom and Jodie talking very animatedly to Rich who was trying to calm them down, only to have the both of them turn and walk off towards the house as he got into the drivers seat next to me.

"Where we going kiddo?" he asked, starting the engine as he gave me a small smile.

"Casey's" I said, looking at him only momentarily before I turned my gaze out of the passenger side as he backed out of the driveway and headed down the freeway towards Casey's house on the lake.


Rich didn't even come to a stop in Casey's driveway and I was getting ready to jump out of the car until I felt his hand reach over and gently rest on my arm. I looked over at him with a fierce look in my eyes at first, until I felt it soften as tears started to form again behind my tired and achy eyes.

"Listen kiddo, I know you don't really know how to act or how to feel right now. But know that whatever you say today, is going to affect the outcome of your friendship with Casey tomorrow" he smiled at me. I caved into his kind words as the tears started to fall down my face, my arms wrapping around his neck as I sobbed into his shoulder as he softly whispered kind and reassuring words.

I pulled away from him after a few minutes, wiping my eyes with my palms as I nodded my head at him giving him the smallest of smiles. "I'll be back in a few minutes" I said, reaching out and pulling the door open as I started to make my way down the stairs to Casey's boathouse.

I tried to let Rich's words sink into my head, but as my feet started to descend down the long staircase to Casey's boathouse, they quickly got pushed away with rage and anger for her. I knew what I wanted to say to her, and to be honest I didn't care what affect it had on our relationship because at this moment, we didn't have one.

I walked quickly onto the dock, making my way to the back door as I pounded on it hard, yelling her name through the thick paned glass until she finally showed up, slowly sliding it open as she looked at me, her head shaking back and forth slowly as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Charlie" she said, the tears breaking free from their hold as they started to fall freely down her cheeks.

"Don't, don't fucking tell me your fucking sorry!" I screamed at her, my finger pointing directly in her face as she brought her hand up over her mouth letting out small sobs.

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