👑Love politics👑

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"Maybe? No...yes?" Shuichi stuttered "sounds like there is! Ykow you're the only degenerate ill toleratedo tell!" tenko gave shuichi a slight push of the arm as both kids bonded over their troubles "there's a boy" tenko's head perked up and shuichi looked down in a red blush "a boy?"
"I-i I'm not sure how these feelings work...ive never really had them before-well maybe i have they're just stronger and overwhelming now. The thought of him makes me smile and my cheeks glow red when he hugs me i- s-sorry I'm ranting" tenko giggled "sounds like me and himiko-chan! Seems we are on the same boat shuichi" shuichi chuckled and adjusted his crown "i guess so...its just hard, kaede-san, mom dad; liking kichi wouldn't wo-" shuichi slapped his mouth as tenko's eyes grew wide "THAT DEGENERATE?" Shuichi attempted to defend himself but in the end no words escaped his lips

"I s-suppose its him...ive tried denying it but i dont think its just platonic anymore"  tenko sighed and giggled "explain exactly how you feel around him maybe i could help!" She cheered earning a shy nod from shuichi

"I...i feel extremely happy at the mention of his name..my heart beats a mile a minute when he's around and when he hugs me it just... it just explodes, he's always so...cute UGH" shuichi threw his hands at his face and looked at the ground "i feel the same about himiko-chan... tell me do you just like ouma or do you love ouma?"tenko added with a smirk "i-i guess i always loved kichi, it was just always platonic in my head... but calling it love does explain a lot." Shuichi sighed and groaned "UGH this makes my life soooo much harder" tenko giggled and stood up "w-where are you going?" Shuichi stood up after her "ill give you my personal mail box directions! Send your best dove and it will arrive right at my door. Unfortunately i left the paper with the address in the carriage, cmon before i beat ya!" Tenko chuckled and began running with shuichi clumsily following suit "h-hey wait up!"


"I guess ill see you next reunion then?" Tenko sadly stated standing infront of the castle gates "y-yeah..." shuichi pouted "b-but ill end you letters! Tell me a-all about yumeno-san" shuichi beamed "Mhm! My adorable himiko-chan...tell me about ouma aswell, see you shuichi!" Tenko gave shuichi  a quick friendly hug before walking off with her family "bye tenko-san!" Shuichi called out after his friend waving "dont be a degenerate! Make a move!" Tenko winked from afar as the carriage slowly shirked in the distance leaving a blushing shuichi and a confused king and queen.

Shuichi began walking back to the palace, it was mid afternoon as the sun began to set.

Now with all his emotions out in the open shuichi both dreaded and desired to see his small companion. Lost i thought shuichi continued down the corridors and up stairs staring at the marvel floors- andddd he was now on the ground

"Woah" A smooth high-ish voice appeared from infront of shuichi's view "w-who are you?" Shuichi questioned standing up and straightening his suit "ah..I'm Teruteru hanamura! The new head cook for your palace Teruteru explained loooking shuichi up and down "o-ok...I'm shuichi saihara...prince of hopes peak kingdom hair to the saihara throne and legacy" shuichi growled at his own introduction.. he was always told to introduce himself that way to new staff "might i add you are quite the tasty snack yourself prince~" hanamura cooed getting uncomfortably close to the prince "u-um...please dont refer to me that way" shuichi quivered Cleary uncomfortable

"come on~ why dont you show me whats underneath that fancy suit of yours-" "hanamura quit being inappropriate and get away from the prince" a tall silver haired girl appeared "a-ah..pekoyama-san...ill be on my way" hanamura scurried away in fear letting shuichi sigh "thank you kindly peko-san" shuichi smiled at the stoned faced girl before a small smile appeared on her scratched face " its really no trouble prince, you're looking for ouma yes?" Peko asked as shuichi blushed "y-yes.." peko let out a small sigh and smiled "for what its worth i do think you look quite good together" shuichi's face bounced up in a red hue "i-its not like t-that! K-kichi and i are just-" "prince calm yourself, i shall not inform the king and queen i support your choice fully" she smiled comforting the panicked teen "t-thanks...d-do you know where he is?" Shuichi let his shoulders drop tension "i believe hes in the entertainment room" tenko smiled and crossed her arms "thanks peko!" Shuichi waved and began jogging.

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