👑Personal butler👑

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Shuichi went to his father the day after

"Father i have a matter to discuss with you" shuichi bowed as he walked into the throne room and infront of his father siting upon the throne he would someday sit on "what is it now son?" His father sighed "is there any other position ko-ouma-kun could be?" Shuichi's dad raised an eyebrow "whatever do you mean?" Shuichi sighed and fiddled with his sleeves "ouma-kun does not want to be a jester any longer, are there anything open positions?" King saihara sighed and smiled "is this about the other night? Shuichi we-" "no. Ouma-kun simply does not want to be the centre of humiliation any more therefore he wants a new job" shuichi said sternly "fine...there are some jobs open, general butler, kitchen helper, tailor assistant, personal butler-" "personal butler?" Shuichi let go of his sleeves and looked up at the king in hope "each person in the saihara family has a personal butler. Exept you , we haven't gotten around to it so perhaps he could take up that job" king saihara smiled "go on get ouma"

Shuichi nodded and began running to Ouma's room,


"Shu-chan nice to see your royal face! How may I be of service your majesty~" kokichi said teasingly opening the door, shuichi giggled and smiled "koki! My father has another job for you come with me" Shuichi grabbed kokichi's wrist and dragged him to the throne room

"W-well how the tables have turned" kokichi noted panting "hehe" shuichi giggled "father ko-ouma-kun is here" Shuichi's father smiled and gestured for kokichi to stand u front of him "ouma-kun you dont want to be a jester any longer, correct?" "Y-yes.." ouma responded clearing his throat "alright then, how about personal butler for prince shuichi?" Kokichi's eyes widened and sparked, he quickly turned to shuichi who was smiling as widely as kokichi, rocking back and forth on his heals attempting to conceal his excitement and be 'proper' "seriously? WOAH! THAT WOUl- aHeM that would be a great opportunity...your majesty" kokichi corrected, the king chuckled and smiled "great! You will be by shuichi's side for as long as hes awake, attending to his every need, you may ask one of our general butlers for advice , ibadashi-kun seems to be well acquainted with my son maybe try him first"

Kokichi smiled and ran to shuichi dragging him outside the throne room "so what do-" kokichi hugged shuichi tight and smiled as shuichi's crown tipped over "wOaH" shuichi stumbled before hugging back "thank you! Now i get to hang out with my beloved prince all day long!" Kokichi leaned over to shuichi and kissed his cheek "thank you again shu-chan! I'm gonna go talk to kibboy~" and so kokichi skipped away leaving shuichi in the corridor hold his cheek, red faced and confused.

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