Author's Note

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If you're not familiar with Murder She Wrote, I suggest you go back and start on book one. If you read this sequel without reading the first book then you'll be lost and confused. You wouldn't understand the plot and there will be gaps that need to be filled. So please go back and read book one so you can be all caught up!

With that being said, WELCOME BACK BITCHES.

I thought hard about writing a sequel to Murder She Wrote and I finally came to the conclusion that it's very much needed. I think I ended the first book on a rough part for the main character and I feel like this intense crazy story needs a part two but in a whole new perspective.

Honestly, I didn't expect Murder She Wrote to get so many engagements. I was convinced it'll flop at first. Hopefully this sequel has you glued onto your phone and has the same effect the first book did.

Also this is the last fanfic/story I'm going to publish before I take a long break from wattpad. I appreciate everyone who has saved my books into their libraries and reading lists!

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to read my work. It means a lot. ❤️

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