Harry considered this and guessed he was asking him this so Hermione doesn't say no. Smart move, Kingsley, Harry thought, before agreeing to it. "When do you want me to do it?"

"You've got this month, no rush!" The Minister informed, while rising from his seat. "I think it's all. I'll leave you to your sulking, Mr. Potter." He said with a grin, extending his hand.  

Harry got up as well and reached his hand and shook it with a smile. "Thanks, Minister. I'll see you around." Harry walked his superior to the exit of the Auror Office. As he turned around from where Kingsley had gone, the whole office had stopped their celebration and was looking at him. 

"Come on, people, no need to be sorry for me! It's not like Ron's dead! Continue your welcome feast to Finnegan, but then go back to work, will you?" Harry made his way to where Seamus was and gave him a big bear hug. "Welcome back, mate."

"Thanks, Harry. Good to be back." 

Harry grinned and turned to Susan Bones beside him. "Will I have my Auror back, Bones?" He joked while Susan chocked with her coffee. 

"I don't know what you mean, Potter." She cross-fired. 

"Oh, yes, you do." Harry gave her a meaningful stare and turned back to his office. "I'll be in here if anyone needs me!" He announced before shutting his door to actually do some work.


Hermione Weasley took a big breath before getting up that May second morning. It was always a tiring day and one she did not look forward at all. Celebration at Hogwarts in the morning, Victoire's birthday in the afternoon, DA's reunion at night. She was in for a rushed day, like every other year. Hermione nudged Ron so he would wake up too.

"Come on, Ronald. Hogwarts awaits us." She tried to joke on her way to the bathroom. 

"Never thought that I'd dread going back there. Until when do we have to do this celebration stuff every year?" Ron said while slowly getting up and going to brush his teeth. 

"I don't know. I just know this year is Harry's turn to do the speech. I hated doing it last year." Hermione screamed over the running water of the shower.

"But you still wrote him the speech." Ron laughed. Hermione always wrote the speech, no matter who's turn was to actually give it. Hermione laughed and just finished her shower.

The Golden Trio, like the media still called them, always dreaded this particular date, specially because of the over abused press attention they received. As the years after the war passed, although they were still known, they could go to their daily lives rather normally. The press wasn't as livid for their personal lives as they were before. But every year, on May 2nd, they did everything to get to know exactly how their lives were going, as if compensating the whole year. And this year would probably be a sure pain in the arse. There was their wedding the previous July, Andromeda's death, James's birth, Ginny and Ron's resignations. Overall, lots of things for them to be harassed about. 

Ron and Hermione ate their breakfast silently, hoping to get the morning over with. At least Victoire's birthday was a closed event, but the DA reunion was always nerve-wrecking with people trying to crash it. This year, Luna was the responsible to organize it, which made Hermione even more anxious about it. 

The couple finished their meals and left their flat to apparate to Hogsmeade, where they were supposed to meet the family at the Three Broomsticks. When they arrived, almost everyone was there, except for George and Angelina, like always. 

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