Poison #ScarlettWidow

Start from the beginning

Natasha smiled fondly into her mug at the scene. The affection was followed by a twist of fear. She was used to that by now though and did her best to focus on the more positive emotion.

"I can feel you staring at me like a deer in headlights," Wanda murmured, mostly to herself but Natasha still heard.

"Powers?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm good at mind reading."

Natasha flinched a little at this. Wanda turned around with a small smirk though, "of course I'm not reading your mind. I knew because you never set your mug back down of the table, and that was far too long for you to drink without finishing the whole thing. You also have a habit of watching me when you think I'm not looking."

Natasha's features warmed at this  - both relief and apprehension swimming through her.

"For an ex-assassin, you're not particularly subtle around me," Wanda quipped. Oh shit. She took the stool next to Natasha and set the mug down on the table next to hers.

She seemed to expect an answer from Natasha, but all she received was a hum while Natasha stared firmly at her mug. Wanda's face subdued slightly and she turned on the stool to face Natasha.

"You ok?" She asked, brushing back a strand of the faded blonde hair.

Natasha looked up at this and gave a half-hearted smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." The hand never moved from the side of her face. It was... unusual. She wasn't used to being touched with affection and kindness. Not a bad unusual, just unexpected.

She was pulled out of her contemplative state when Wanda kissed her. That wasn't meant to happen. It was only a light kiss and Wanda pulled back quickly but Natasha felt frozen. That's definitely new. She got off the stool slowly and attempted to walk around the kitchen island back to the coffee machine. She didn't get far though, before her knees gave way and she sank down against the cupboards. She was vaguely aware of Wanda asking if she was ok. Stupid question really. This is not how kisses are supposed to go.

She pulled her knees into her chest and looked up at the cup of water Wanda was offering her. What do I do with this? She stared at Wanda as though looking at a ghost - before Wanda sat down opposite her against the kithen island and slid the cup over the floor to her.

It sat there sloshing about for a bit before Natasha picked it up. It was cold against her hands and tasted of emptiness.

"What happened?" Wanda asked softly.

A long pause ensued.

"I don't really know."

"Tell me whenever you're ready," Wanda replied with a gentle smile, "we've got all night."

A deep breath filled the silent kitchen before Natasha spoke. "I don't know if I can trust you after what happened with Ultron. Don't get me wrong, I like you - as a friend and, you know - but I do this sort of thing a lot to get information out of others, and I don't know if I'm being manipulated or not."

"In that case, I think I have a solution, but it will need your trust..." Wanda answered carefully. "When I look into other people's minds - well, the door opens both ways. If you let me, I can show you my mind and you can see that I'm telling the truth."

"I don't- I don't know."

"Only if you allow it."

"Can I end the connection whenever?"

"It requires skin to skin contact. Anytime you feel uncomfortable you can just let go of my hand."


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