Chp.32 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.2

Start from the beginning

(YN): Later Koichi.

Koichi: Bye you guys!

As the three left, Koichi enters the house and shuts the door and says...

Koichi: That's strange...I'm sure that I was trying to tell them something really important...what was it-

Suddenly, pages from his body started to appear again as he now remembers all of the sudden...

Koichi: AAAAAGH!!! Now I remember what I wanted to tell them! Saving me! Josie, Okuyasa, (YN), wait!!!

As soon he got out, he seem perfectly fine and tells them...

Koichi: See you guys in a bit.

Okuyasa: Okay.

Josie/(YN): Make sure you're not late.

Both Josie and (YN) loooed at each other as they laughed a little and blushed a little..

Koichi: Okay!

Koichi enters the house again...and soon the pages appeared out from his body again..

Koichi: What was that???!!? That's not what I wanted to say at all!

Soon Koichi started running upstairs as he started as he trips down...

Koichi Mind: D-Damn it! I'm not even able to ask my friends for help! I never knew I would go up against a stand so terrifying like this! It's invincible! I don't think I have nearly enough power to beat Heavens Door! At the rate he's going, he's gonna rip out my whole experiences and leave me like a lifeless husk!

Suddenly, Rohan suddenly stopped drawing as he turns to Koichi and says...

Rohan: I sense an intruder has entered the mansion! Koichi, what did you do when you were downstairs?! Answer me!

Suddenly, Rohan felt something like someone is near by him, and it was not one, but two person feeling someone is behind I him, and it was, Okuyasa and (YN) appeared in the window...

Koichi: Okuyasa! (YN)!

(YN): I knew I sense trouble here!

Okuyasa: Hold it right there! Keep looking straight and not even move buddy! You better not try something funny or else me and (YN) will stop you, you doodling dipshit!!

Koichi: I never knew you guys would know I was in danger! You guys are the best! Thank you!

Rohan: I must say Koichi, your two friends has a sudden sign of epiphany. I didn't notice it before, but that small cut on your hand has given it away from the situation you are in.

Koichi notice a wound mark on his hand, bleeding still...

Koichi: Oh man! I was so focus on escaping and don't even notice nor felt it!

Rohan: That is what gave it away, right Okuyasa?

Okuyasa: Wha-how the hell do you-

Rohan: And your stand is Za Hando. Also, you have a bit of a complex regarding on your dead brother, Keicho.

Okuyasa: Wh-What?!?

Rohan: And whenever you try to make a difficult decision, you wish your brother was still there to do it for you, isn't that right?

Okuyasa: H-Hey you doodling fuck! Who the hell told you all that?! Speak up punk!

(YN): *Strange. This Rohan guy suddenly knows everything about Okuyasa. But how?!* Oi Koichi! Tell me everything about his stand abilities! He's a stand user, right?!

Koichi: Y-Yeah he is! He's able*I-I can't tell them! I can't tell them nor say anything that would out Rohan in a disadvantage! If you catch even a little glimpse on one panel of Rohan's work, it's all over! I desperately really wanna tell you guys, don't look! No matter what!!! Don't look at that manga!!

Rohan suddenly, turns his focus on Okuyasa and (YN)...

Okuyasa: Hey! Didn't I told you not to move?!?

Suddenly, light mix blue and purple aura started to appear around Rohan's body...

Rohan: Okuyasa, you are no concern to me at first, but that change the moment right when you and (YN) barge into my house! And now I will make you one of my work!

Koichi: Okuyasa look out-

Okuyasa: Bastard!!!!

Okuyasa summons Za Hando as it then starts to dash over to Rohan, but Rohan suddenly grabbed a page of the manga's panel so fast, she showed it straight to Okuyasa and Za Hando, they saw the panel, and as Okuyasa did, Okuyasa's whole arm and half of her bottom body turned nothing but paper....


Koichi: Okuyasa!

(YN): Okuyasa!

Rohan: And you, (YN). Your stand is the Cinder. If I were you, you should just backdown and give up.

(YN): Why you! Cinder!

Cinder appeared as he rushes towards Rohan as Rohan suddenly shows him the panel of the manga as well as a bright light started shining towards him and Cinder, losing his eye sight as Rohan suddenly started waving the pen towards (YN) and stopped, after that, everything seem like nothing happen to (YN)...

Koichi: Huh?? Nothing happened to (YN)?!

Okuyasa: Why?! What's going on!?

(YN): I feel...the same.

Rohan: Oh I did.

(YN): You!

Cinder appeared again as he rushes at Rohan as he swings a punch at him, but then somehow, he missed, and Rohan didn't even had to dodge it...

Koichi: He-

Okuyasa: Missed!?!

(YN): What the?!

Cinder again throw two more punches at Rohan, and still miss, and still Rohan didn't even had to dodge the punches...

(YN): Nrrrgh!! How the hell am I missing those punches if I'm in close range!


Cinder started throwing rapid punches towards Rohan, and still didn't even lay a single finger on him...soon made (YN) tired for some reason..

(YN): Wh-Why...isn't...Cinder...punching him?!

Rohan: Well, if you look closely on your hand, you'll find out why.

(YN): M-My...hand...??

(YN) looks at his left hand, soon to find out his whole palm was nothing but pages, and soon to see a writing that says "I cannot hurt Rohan Kishibe at any cost"

(YN): Wh-What?! How!?

Rohan: Oh and also, I heard your stand Cinder may cause a bit trouble for me, so in order for me to put you down easily, I also wrote down something on your forehead...

(YN): M-My head...??! Wh-What...d-d-did you...

Suddenly, (YN) seem like he was tired and yet sleepy at the same time for some reason as he suddenly shuts his eyes down and suddenly collapses to the floor, until pages appears on his forehead and had some writing on it saying "During the battle, (YN) will now sleep forever until he wakes up when the battle is over"...

Koichi: O-Oh noo!!!

Okuyasa: (YN)!!!

Rohan smirks as he then faces the door and suddenly says...

Rohan: Josie Higashikata...I know you're hiding over there.

Behind the door, Josie was hiding and knew that Rohan will know that she was hiding from him to save her friends...

Josie: D-Damn it! N-Now what?!


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