Part 2: what now

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Hi there remember when I said that I would try to put phobia warnings here is one of them: Emetophobia. This is fear of th***ing up and v***t in general. So I will put a line after that part is over so you don't have to read it. It isn't anything vivid but I don't want anyone hurt. Again comment if you notice something that might be triggering so I can mark it. I hope you have a fantastic day! Remember you are loved and important. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need to vent. Bye, I hope you enjoy the story!

Danny's POV

"Danny are you okay?"

Before I could answer, I was running to the bathroom. I had to puke. As I was hunched over the toilet out of the corner of my eye I saw Drew walk in. Great just what I needed. Not. Then I felt Drew kneel down and put a hand on my back. I flinched as Drew touched me. I wasn't expecting that. It felt good to have someone caring about me. I'm shocked that I threw-up, I have never puked out of fear.


Drew's POV

When Danny finished he looked at me then leaned back into my arms. His head was on my chest and he was looking at me with so much fear in his eyes. I now needed to know what was happening.

"Danny, what's going on? Are you ok?"

He didn't answer instead he sat up and lifted his sleeve revealing about 15 large cuts on his arm. I didn't know how to respond. I knew better than to tell him 'Stop cutting yourself' all I managed was "Danny..."

I realized I had probably been staring at his arm for far too long. I looked up to see Danny staring at me with huge tears streaming down his face. All I could do was hug him. "Danny please tell me. What happened?"

Danny's POV

"My parents have been telling me that youtube isn't a good enough job and if I used my degree maybe I could be good enough. And then when Peanut died (His doggo) I couldn't control it. I felt like I needed to hurt myself. I just feel like it's all my fault."

"Does Laura know?"

"N-no...I-I'm sorry?"

"Why are you saying sorry? You don't have to be."

"Sor- I-I don't know," I said through tears.

Those weren't the only things going on. I have been getting a lot of hate recently, even a death threat. I just don't feel good enough not even for myself. The thoughts swarming my head were interrupted when Drew said, "How long ago did you do it?"

"About 4 days ago."

"Danny...those look infected I think you need to see a doctor."

"NO! PLEASE! Drew I can't let anyone find out."

"Ok I promise I won't tell anyone, but would you please let me clean your arm?"

As much as I didn't want Drew to touch or clean my arm deep down I knew that I did need the help.

"Ok... Fine but please don't tell anyone."

"Alright, I'll be back in a second."

Drew stood up and walked away. Leaving me scared shitless in the bathroom. I leaned against the bathroom wall and closed my eyes. I haven't slept very well this past 2 weeks. I'm so tired.

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