Mason opens the mini fridge and pulls out mini shot bottles and passes then around. Once they are all passed out all eyes turn to me. Guess I have to say a few words.

"I have no words that can express how thankful I am for all of your support. Big thank you to Tray for taking my phone call that morning."

"Any time bestest best friend," he tells me interrupting me for a second. Not that I minded. 

I stretch forward to smile at him and blow him a kiss. "I love you guys and am so grateful for being a part of your family." I raise my mini shot and say, "to family."

"To family," everyone else chimes in. We all down our shot and Mason snatches out the bottle of whiskey.

The bottle only makes it around twice before we are pulling up to the back of a bar. Frank opens the door and we all slide out. Dimitri takes my arm as we walk into the bar. With it being the middle of the week the place is pretty dead. Which is more than fine with me. This was about a night out with my rocker family and I was happy to see we wouldn't be over run by fans. I was also glad we were at a bar and not a club. 

As I take in my surroundings I notice two things I couldn't wait to try. Pool tables and a mechanical bull. Country music was playing through the speakers and I found my foot tapping along to the beat. Our party makes a bee line to the bar and start to order drinks and shots. The staff must have know Steel Wolf was coming because none of them seemed surprise to see us, more like in awe that they guys were here. 

The drink were made quickly and once again I was taking a shot. My head started to spin clueing me in on that I need to slow down. Dimitri hands me a drink and I take a small sip. Making note my next one needs to be water. 

I turn myself so my back is against the bar. Dimitri stands in front of me placing his hands on my hips. "So what do you think of the place?" He has to slightly shout to be heard over the music.

"I love the atmosphere." I tell him taking another sip of my drink and eyeing the mechanical bull. 

Tray slides in next to me and drapes his arms over my shoulders ginning like a fool. He was up to something and thankfully I'm not left in suspense for long. "So Skylar," he says my name by dragging it out. "the guys and I were figuring since you rode horses you would be able to ride the bull."

I roll my eyes laughing, "the guys and you right." I tell him not fully believing his words.

He fakes being hurt. "Are you claiming I'm lying to you."

"Yes that is exactly what I'm saying because you want to see me on the bull." I gather my thoughts for a moment before continuing. "I'll ride the bull."

He interrupts me. "You will?"

"Yes I will as long as everyone else goes first."

Don't know how Tray managed it, but he was some how able to convince everyone to try riding the bull. Our party stood around the mechanical bull and I have my phone out ready to video record each of them. I'm sure their fans would love nothing more then to see this. Lucan, Mason and Ryder didn't last very long and I almost died laughing each and every time the bull sent them flying without mercy. Dimitri was of course the hottest out of them on top of the bull, but my poor rocker was sent flying like the others. Tray lasted the longest out of the guys, but was still sent flying. Aubree declined claiming we couldn't afford for her to get hurt. I think she just didn't want to try because of her dress.

When it was my turn the guy controlling the bull and I shared a wink. Prior to the guys taking their turns I had a conversation with him. Paid him a little bit of money to go hard on the guys, but take it easy on me. Riding a bull is different from riding a horse. Even though this was a mechanical bull it still would be different. 

I hopped up and once I nodded my head telling him I was ready he started to move the bull. Since the guys were slightly buzzing no a single one of them realized my ride was easier then theirs was. Of course I was able to stay on and not embarrass myself.

I did feel guilty for my trick when Dimitri swung his arm over my shoulder claiming how proud of his girl he was. Not wanting this to get out of hand and learning my lesson from keeping secrets from Dimitri. I pulled him away from the group and towards the bathroom. They guys all called out encouragement to Dimitri thinking I was pulling his away for a different reason. Once we were far enough away from the guys I came clean to Dimitri about what I did and he almost peed himself from laughing. He begged me not to tell the others and to keep this our little secret. Which I readily agreed. 

Dimitri and I returned to the group when Tray cut in between us. "I do believe Skylar owe me that dance she promised me."

I shrug my shoulders and follow him out on the the dance floor. Tray gathers me in his arms, but keeps a respectful distance. He wasn't waning to provoke Dimitri into a fight.

"Enjoying yourself bestest best friend," he ask twirling me around.

"I am," I tell him. "This was the best news we could have received and it's nice going out with everyone."

"Agreed." He gets a faraway look in his eyes. "You really had us worried. We were worried about you, but also worried about how Dimitri would handle everything. He was a mess when you guys weren't together and we didn't even want to imagine what he would do if he lost you."

I smile up at him understand he wasn't only talking about Dimitri, but also himself. "Well thankfully we don't have to worry about that. Enough talk of sadness we are here to celebrate."

His charming smile reappears. "As always you are right." 

Tray went to dance when me for another song, but Dimitri cut in putting a stop to that. I ended up dancing with each of the guys and Aubree. Aubree and Ryder seemed to be doing their hardest to avoid each other and my heart hurt seeing them. Maybe this next tour I can play a little matchmaker for the two of them. 

My feet were starting to hurt and a hunger was consuming me. Dancing and grinding against Dimitri has left me wanting. Too much time has passed since we last were able to be together sexually. And now that I had the all clear my body was craving him even more. His erection that was consistently pressing up against me told me he was feeling the same way. Now I need to figure out a way for us to either leave or to get the group to leave.  


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