19: Confessions and Permissions

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(A/N: Optional: listen to these songs in this order to optimize the best reading experience: Feelings by Lauv, At My Worst by REYNE, and Make You Mine by PUBLIC.

A lengthy, special chapter in Kuroo's POV. Enjoy!)

[Kuroo Tetsurou]

Sachi's staring into my eyes, and my mouth suddenly feels dry. Like there's this invisible string that makes me want to pull her in closer to me— I want to envelope her body with mine.

I'm completely, absolutely, crazy for this girl in front of me.

I looked down on her lips that look so soft, and she licked it right on time.

At that moment, I knew I should ask for consent first before I do anything stupid like wanting to kiss her, but... shit, I just suddenly had the courage to do it. I need to do it. My mind and body is asking me to do it.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do, shortcake. I just can't hold myself back anymore."

I leaned down a little to close in the gap between our faces, and my body internally convulsed upon her lips meeting mine. Electricity ran down my spine as I planted a tender kiss on her soft lips, hoping that she'll get the hint... that I love her.

I love her so much.

There was a moment of hesitation before Sachi pulled me in closer to respond to my kiss. I swear I felt like I was about to go crazy when she put her arms around my neck. I'm already on cloud nine just feeling her lips press against mine softly.

I've kissed other girls before, but not even one of them compared to how Sachi kisses me back, and I'm not talking about her skills or experience, but the way she makes me feel while doing it.

Sachi's touch alone is enough to make me weak. Like every cell in my body is thanking me for meeting her, and that she's in my life.

I'm not religious, but every night I'd pray to the heavens to thank them for letting me meet someone like her.

I smiled as I continued to kiss her, gripping the small of her waist on top of her school uniform, making sure not to touch any thing private.

Miura Sachi. Only you have this power over me. I hope you know what you're doing to me.

I pulled her closer to me by holding the sides of her face, claiming her mouth again, but this time I was more passionate, more intense.

I've always wanted to kiss Sachi for a long time now, but it seemed like there was never a right time to do it until now.

Now, I'm finally kissing her. I'm finally kissing the woman who drives me crazy.

I'm kissing the woman I'm in love with.

I could feel Sachi's cheeks heat up, and I knew she was blushing red from what we were doing. Her arms tightened around my neck, and I felt her knees weaken with my kiss. I put my hand at the small of her back for support as I removed my lips from hers to take a breath.

I smiled to myself upon seeing Sachi. Her eyes were still closed from the kiss we shared, and her mouth was still slightly agape. Her face and ears were all red, and I chuckled lightly at the sight. I rubbed her arms that were around my neck to let her know that she could open her eyes now.

She's so damn adorable.

Sachi opened her eyes slowly and looked at me with her alluring gray eyes, making my heart fall to my stomach as I tried to put on a smirk.

Tutor Kuroo | K. Tetsurou x fem! OCWhere stories live. Discover now