18: Moment of Truth

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[Miura Sachi]

"I'm telling you, Mei. Suzuki Aiko said that I was dense, and that she and Tetsurou are just friends. I don't know what to think anymore," I told Mei who was on the other end of the line. I rubbed the side of my head as I waited for her reply.

I'm already supposed to be sleeping, but I had to tell someone about my conversation with Aiko or else I'm going to go insane. These thoughts are driving me mad!

"Well, I guess Kuroo likes you then. If he and that Aiko girl are just friends and nothing romantic is happening between them, maybe you should just be straightforward with Kuroo and ask him out."

The way Mei nonchalantly said that as if it were a good idea made my jaw drop.

"What? Why should I do that? Won't I sound desperate? Even so, what if he's just really flirty with me but he likes someone else? Oh my god, imagine the embarrassment," I bit my thumb as I thought it through.

Asking Tetsurou out really doesn't seem like a bad idea, after all, I am in love with him. I'm just afraid if it turns out that he actually doesn't feel the same way about me and we'll be awkward with each other. I don't want us to be strangers because of a stupid reason like that.

"Okay then. So, what if you don't ask him out, but confess your feelings to him first? I mean, have a conversation with him about your feelings towards each other. Then, if he turns out to feel the same way you do with him, ask him out, marry him or whatever," Mei yawned.

I could feel myself smile with what she said. I definitely like the idea of Tetsurou and I officially going out as a couple, and that idea alone is enough to make me screech in happiness.

"Oooh, I like that idea, but uhm... when do you think I should tell him that?" I mumbled, feeling nervous of what I'm about to do.

Telling Tetsurou about me being in love with him will definitely change our relationship, whether for better or for worse. Even so, I'm ready to take that risk. I'm tired of denying my feelings for him, and I want to take action about it already.

I've been in love with him for three long years now, and I think it's enough reason and time for me to confess.

"I don't know. Just tell him that when you two are alone and the atmosphere feels right, so your confession will be romantic and magical and splendid," Mei giggled, and I did too. She's so cheesy, but she has a point.

"Oh my god. I'm really going to do it, Mei. I'm going to tell Tetsurou I love him."

I felt my heart beat faster and my tongue dry up just from imagining how my confession is going to be. I've never done a confession before, and I can't believe that that idiot jerk Kuroo Tetsurou is the guy I would confess to first. Not that I am complaining, though. He's a real... sweetheart.

"Good luck, love. For the mean time, just act normal around him until you confess. Or be flirty with him, maybe he'll understand right away. Anywho, just be honest with your feelings," Mei yawned once more and I just nodded, feeling kind of guilty that I called her while she was sleeping.

"Okay, okay. Anyway, thank you so much. You can go to sleep now, love you," I ended our call and let my body sprawl on my bed, trying to calm my racing heart.

I closed the night lamp on my bedside table, trying to sleep as I forcefully shut my eyes.

Okay. Calm your heart down now, and go to sleep. Do not think of your confession first. Focus on sleeping for now.

Focus on sleeping...

Oh my god, what if Tetsurou doesn't feel the same way about me?! What if I just misunderstood all the situation and he ends up rejecting me?

Tutor Kuroo | K. Tetsurou x fem! OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora