17: Realization

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[Miura Sachi]

I bit the cap of my pen as I listened to my Calculus professor go on about functions and limits. I tried my hardest to listen, but there is something bugging me. I keep thinking about what happened yesterday.

(yesterday [Sunday] after the movie)

"So, did you know that Kuroo's birthday is this coming Saturday?" Aiko asked me, her hands fixing my hair as I tried on hat, both of us looking at the mirror. We're at the department store of the strip mall, casually window-shopping.

I nodded with my lips pursed as I looked at her reflection. Her long brown hair was tied in a bun, her chinky brown eyes were showing excitement. She was smiling widely as she bit her lower lip.

"Okay, good. Since you know that his birthday is coming up... you have to help me organize a surprise birthday party for him," Aiko winked at me as I immediately turned to look at her, kind of hesitant of her offer.

"Aiko, uhm, I'm just not sure if I can help you plan a surprise party in just one week. I'll try to help, but I can't promise that it'll be grand," I said as I put the hat back on the stand.

I glanced at Tetsurou and Kenma who were at the men's section, trying on different fedoras. They looked cute– like they were part of a mafia.

"Don't worry about it. We can do it for him. We'll work together anyway, so just tell his friends about it and maybe they can help too," Aiko grabbed my wrist as we walked farther away from Tetsurou and Kenma who were now walking closer to us.

Huh. A surprise party for Tetsurou? Not a bad idea.

"Okay. So where will it be held?" I asked.

"At my apartment on Saturday, his exact birthday. I figured it should just be simple, you know– close friends, some family members of his. Maybe even a few classmates of yours," Aiko shrugged and I just nodded.

"Okay. I'll plan the theme and guests. Can you handle the rest?" I said as I looked at Aiko's side profile. She was looking at a meat-shaped pillow with a smirk on her face.

"I knew I can count on you. After all, Kuroo told me you're his closest girl friend, so I figured I should ask you for help," Aiko said as she put the pillow back down.

I blinked as I processed what she said.

"Girlfriend? I-I'm not his girlfriend," I chuckled nervously as I looked away from her, feeling my face heat up. Okay, that sounded too defensive!

"No, silly. I meant girl friend. Friend girl. Why are you blushing?" Aiko giggled as she poked my side and I looked at her with my brows furrowed.

"Uh, yeah. I mean, I'm not his girl friend, you know. I'm just one classmate whom he tutors in a subject, that's it," I bit my lip as I turned my back on Aiko. Tetsurou and Kenma were walking towards us, now getting closer.

I heard Aiko scoff in disbelief.

"Just a classmate? Honey, don't be so oblivious. You're just as dense as him," Aiko tapped my back as she walked to Tetsurou and Kenma who gestured us to now go.

I could feel my head hurt just thinking about Aiko said. Me? Dense? How am I dense?

"Ms. Miura? Ms. Miura!" I heard Nishito-sensei, our Calculus professor, yell my name, snapping me back to my senses.

I jolted a little bit on my seat as Nishito-sensei walked closer to me and all my classmates were just staring at me.

"Ms. Miura, you seemed to not listen to my lecture. You were staring into blank space. Do you mind answering the problem written on the board?" Nishito-sensei handed me a piece of chalk and I just hesitantly took it.

Tutor Kuroo | K. Tetsurou x fem! OCWhere stories live. Discover now