12: The Truth

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[Miura Sachi]

"Oh my god, I just can't believe that I fell on my butt in public! This is the second time already, Konoha!" I pouted as I sipped on my milkshake.

Konoha laughed a little before he bit from his burger. "Really? That sucks. When was the first time?"

We're now eating at Shake Shack here in Tokyo. After I bumped into Akane who I found out was out on a date with a girl he liked, Konoha and I decided to eat first before we went to the arcade because we already felt hungry.

And now, here we are, sitting in front of each other as we talked about different things. This date is going well so far, except for the part where I fell flat on my butt. Gosh.

I even forgot about Tetsurou for a while.

"See, the guy who I bumped into a while ago is actually my classmate, Akane. This is the second time I fell on the floor because of him, that's why it's funny," I ate some french fries as I looked at Konoha who was sipping from his milkshake.

"Oh, I see. And this Akane guy... was out on a date with one of your classmates too, right?" Konoha put his chin on his hands, looking at me and eating some of our shared fries.

I felt shy when I noticed him staring at me with a smile on his face, but I nodded.

"Yeah, it's just— it's kind of surprising that Akane is dating Tori, this normal girl classmate of ours. I mean, he seemed like a playboy to me because he's cute, you know?" I laughed as I explained to Konoha.

"Hey, not every handsome guy is a playboy. Take me for example, I'm not a womanizer," Konoha pointed to himself as I just scoffed at him.

"Yeah right, Jack. For all I know, you've also had your fair share of women," I looked away as I teased Konoha. I mean, he's cute, and almost every guy who is this cute and sweet seems to a chick magnet.

"Come on, Sachi. Look at me. If I knew I could get a girl easily without anyone's help, I wouldn't have agreed to this blind date," Konoha said with a little smile on his face.

I bit my lip, realizing he was right. With his looks and body, he could get any girl he wanted, but for some reason, he doesn't.

"Okay, fine. But you know, from my experience, guys like you only bring trouble," I said with conviction as I sipped from my milkshake, looking Konoha up and down.

His open button-down shirt is distracting me. His defined chest can be seen, but I think Tetsurou's chest looks more muscular.

No! Sachi, why are you thinking of that jerk again? Focus on Konoha! He's nice and cute, sweet, and not in love with someone else!

"From your experience, Sachi? Why, have you ever had any past lovers?" Konoha asked casually as he finished his burger.

I smiled sadly before answering. "Unfortunately, no. I mean, I've liked guys before but... all of them liked someone else..." I trailed off as I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. I turned my eyes away from Konoha and just looked outside the window.

Why don't guys I like ever like me back? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not attractive? Ugh. I hate relationships.

Konoha leaned forward on the table as he cupped my cheek and turned my head to face him. I felt my face heat up with his gesture as I looked into his eyes which showed concern.

Tutor Kuroo | K. Tetsurou x fem! OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें