"I call it the Canopy. . .no one knows of its existence besides me and well. . .you now. I told you I want to be completely honest with you from here on and out, so I want to start with this." I walk inside and smell the scent of lavender and vanilla hits my nose almost instantly.

"We can speak freely here without worry. . .or interruption." I say the last one with a hinted double meaning. It's only natural to want to be a bit more intimate with someone I have yet to mark. It's the only sure way of claiming him and keeping other people who try to impose away.

Such as his Alpha.

I stop abruptly at this thought and whirl around to face him before we can get to the main room. It was killing me not knowing. "Your Alpha. . .shows you a good deal of affection does he not?" His eyes fall to the corner of his eyes causing mine to narrow. I notice whenever he diverts eye contact away from me he feels guilty about something or is hesitant to say.


"I don't care whether he is your Alpha or not. You will not allow him to touch you." He sighs at this making me bite down on the inside of my lip.

"Any past relations you had with him ended when you met me," I say close to losing my temperament. He should know by now just how possessive I am over him. It shouldn't come as a shock to him. I'm an Alpha for Goddess sake!

He closes his eyes before looking at me. "Since we are being honest with one another, we did have. . .some form of a relationship when we were younger. But you have nothing to worry about. Mates or not, you are the most gorgeous, most interesting person I ever laid eyes on. The Lunar Goddess, Avatea, chose you specifically for me. How can I possibly ever want someone else?"

My rebuttal crashes and burns at his comment and causes a streamline of blushes to go across my face. He grabs my hand gently in his before placing it on his fast beating heart. "You make my heart beat like this. You make my hands feel like this." I notice the slight shakiness of his hands causing my eyebrows to furrow.

". . .You make my body feel like this." He places my hand against his neck and I feel his skin burning. My eyes drop instantly.

"There is no one for you to worry over." His hands clasps mine tightly into his causing my heart to feel like it just stopped and then restarted.

"I'm all yours." I watch his greenish, blue eyes stare into mine and I honestly feel like melting under the burning sensation going through me right now. I've waited for so long for him to say those words to me.

"Right," I say trying to fight off a shy smile and continue to head into the main room which consists of nothing but a long plush sofa, a kitchen with a small island, and a very large king sized bed canopied with the colors of my territory, maroon and gold. I'm not going to make it that easy for him.

Before I can make it all the way into the kitchen, I feel his hand on my wrist and soon I feel my back hit the wall of the kitchen with a hard thump. I wince at the slight pain coursing through me, but it quickly fades away under his gaze. With his hands, he pins both my wrists against the side of me causing me to become more aware of the power struggle blooming between us. However, I don't mind being a little submissive once in a while.

"Cassius." He says with a slight bite to it making me bite down on my lip before locking my eyes onto his now blueish, green ones. "You mean more to me than you think." My eyes widen as another blush begins to set on my face.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Just say it. Tell me," I press. Yet, nothing but silence fills the air.

"I can't quite answer that myself." He lets go of my wrists, but still continues to stare at me waiting on a response that will never come. I can only push so hard from someone who thinks more with his head than his heart. Maybe instead of waiting until later, I should just ask him now.

Fallen From Grace | BOOK 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now