Ch. 44: I don't give a fuck

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"Stop, think of the baby." Jace took to his stomach in mock shock.


The routine of those two was nice for all to witness. It showed things were on track back to normal.

"Guys." Gareth laughed. "Do you need me to buy you a stroller or marriage counseling? Either way, it's on me."

"No, just no." Phoenix huffed. "Can you hand me that large manila envelope by the wall? I know it's not my turn, but it's now or the recipient will be dead before it's his turn."

Laughing, Gareth kissed Mackenzie again and got the envelope for Phoenix. Phoenix held it for a moment, not sure if he should give it to Jace.

"Mine!" Jace snatched the envelope from him.


"It's got my name on it, and I'm not waiting for you to grow a pair."

Phoenix sighed and leaned back, waiting for Jace to open it. He had talked with the doctors, and Jace was almost ready to leave their constant observation. Phoenix, however, was not ready for Jace to go home. They had not talked about it. They had their routine back, Jace trained, and their relationship dynamic seemed back to normal. Jace allowed him to be dominant again, though they still refrained from sex.

They had built something Phoenix could not let go of.

Jace ripped the envelope open and pulled out the pieces of paper in it. "So... You gave me pictures of houses?" he scoffed. "Do you want applause for your printing abilities?"

"They're just suggestions. But yes, they're houses. I thought..." Phoenix blushed like a schoolgirl. "Soon you'll be ready to move out from here. I thought you'd like a place where you had space for a personal gym to continue your training and better facilities altogether."

Jace looked at him incredulously. "And you're buying me a house?"

Coughing with embarrassment, Phoenix took a gulp of his cocoa, wishing it was alcohol. "I thought of buying half of it..."

The pin-drop silence in the room was an attestation to how all knew how hard it was for Phoenix to ask Jace to move in together, how they wanted for them to get back to their lives.

A life together.

"That one." Jace pointed at the top picture.

"You haven't even looked at the others. I have a real estate agent you can talk to for information."

"I don't give a fuck. If you're there, I'm there."

Jace shrugged.

Why was that such a big deal for Phoenix?

They could live in a hole in the ground or at The Mansion. Wherever Phoenix was, was home to Jace.

Jace had no intentions of going back to the way things had been. He had thought about asking Phoenix if he wanted to move in together. Phoenix's apartment was larger than Jace's, and it had felt pushy to just invite himself. Jace's apartment could work, and Phoenix was welcome to live there, but Phoenix's would be better for them.

A house, though, was perfect.

"You're saying?" Phoenix sat there, staring at Jace. His heart beat like a drum. Jace agreed? They were, maybe, moving in together?

"I'm saying, let's buy a house."

Much to Phoenix's surprise, everybody applauded and cheered for them. Like they had won the World Cup in relationships. He did not care. He grabbed Jace and kissed him roughly, showing him how happy he was.

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