(YN): I-I gotta say. Your stand, Star Platinum is incredible Ms.Jocleyn! Never knew mines can keep up with yours.

Jocelyn: Yeah, I know. *...There's no doubt about it. His stand is really similar to Star Platinums speed, stamina and strength. Incredible...and even so...his stand is surely equal to...Ghost Rider's...my husband's stand...but how? How in the hell is Cinder so equal to Ghost Rider...unless...*

Jocelyn suddenly then grabs a sharp pencil at her desk as she suddenly places her other hand on the table as she seems like she was pointing the shape pencil at her hand...

(YN): J-Jocelyn, what are you-

Jocelyn then stabs her hand with the sharp pencil straight, causing her hand to have as serious wound and blood coming out...

Jocelyn: N-Nrgh!!

(YN): H-Holy fuck!! J-Jocelyn!! What did you do!?! Why-

Jocelyn: D-Don't worry about it. Th-That's why Cinder is the way to heal it up.

(YN): H-Heal it up???

Jocelyn: (Y-YN), what abilities do you know about your stand?

(YN): W-Well...Cinder does have incredible strength, stamina and speed, it can control hell flames as what I can see, and also his powers allows me to heal my wounds up and somehow immune to death when it comes to near death experience. That's all I know.

Jocelyn: I-I see. But...Can you bring your stand out and heal my hand??

(YN): H-Heal your hand?? I don't think it can do that, I've never think of it he can heal other people's wounds.

Jocelyn: J-Just bring him out, and heal my hand. Trust me. All you gotta do, is use Cinder to concentrate on healing my hand.

(YN): O-Okay, if you say so.

(YN) walked closer to Jocelyn as he then grabs Jocelyn's injured wounded hand, Cinder appeared as it then uses its hand to touch Jocelyn's wounded hand and concentrated on healing it up...and so, red aura suddenly started to surround Jocelyn's wounded hand as Jocelyn can feel her hand being recovered...after that, the wound of the stab was now gone and healed up good...

(YN): W-Woah! I-it healed you up?! So, Cinder can heal other people's wounds as well?!

Jocelyn: Yeah, and maybe he can bring back people from the dead as well. Not sure about that one, but we'll find that one out.

(YN): A-Amazing!

Jocelyn Mind: There no doubt about it. Cinder is exactly like Ghost Rider, speed, strength, stamina, power, hell flames, recovers (YN)'s wounds up, he's immune to death, and he can heal other people's wounds like it did to my hand...but how though? How is it? Did...Did Ghost Rider's power found (YN) and turned into (YN)'s new stand and became a different one after my husband's death?? I gotta know.

(YN): B-But I'm confused. How is it that you know a bit about what Cinder can do??

Jocelyn stop quiet as she walks over to the desk and sits down as she says...

Jocelyn: Have a seat kid.

(YN) then takes a seat as well...

Jocelyn: ...If you didn't know, back in my days, I had to go on a bizarre adventure with the old hag...before we did, I met some friends that I know.l who joined us. And there was one...who was a friend as well...but he was so special to me. That one special friend turn out to be the love of my life. So he and the others had to travel to Egypt to defeat a strong enemy, known as DIO. He was the one who put a cursed on my mom, and had 50 days to stop him, if not, then my mom's life would be over. But luckily, we manage to defeat him...well, my husband did with his stand.

(YN): Woah! So he too had a stand as well back in your days?!

Jocelyn: Yup, it was name Ghost Rider. One of the most rarest and powerful stand's I've ever seen, it's even menacing that made DIO piss himself. So, after that, the special friend and I...became loved ones, and got married...and well, we had Jolyne. My half pine. Few years later, my husband and two of my friends were gonna travel here in Morioh so my husband can do some investigation on his work. It was going good and everything...until...

(YN): ...until what?

Jocelyn clenched her fists, knowing that what really happen to her husband and friends...

Jocelyn: M-My husband...and two of my friends...were murdered!

(YN) was shocked to hear that...

Jocelyn: One of the police officers here gave a call to my grandpa, and told him everything to me what happen...after that, I felt broken, and suffered a lot the fact not only I lost two of my friends...but I have lost the one thing I've always cared for...my husband as well...that's why, I came here for that reason as well! To look for the bastard who murdered Avdol, Kakyoin and my husband!

(YN): ...K-Kakyoin, and Avdol...w-wait! You don't mean Noriaki Kakyoin and Muhammad Avdol right?!

Jocelyn: Wait! Y-You know them?!

Jocelyn then pulls out her folder and takes our a picture of her and her friends, and husband and Jolyne and showed it to (YN)...

Jocelyn: You're telling me you know these two and my husband as well?!

(YN): ...I-I do! I know them! I-I met them 2 years ago! And...that person...hiding your child...that's...Mr.Kujo! Yeah, I know all of them three! Kakyoin, Avdol, and Mr.Kujo!

Jocelyn: ...B-But what happen?! How they all die at the same time?! If you know, tell me!

(YN) stood quiet for a moment as he then look down, and seem to be let down as he was about to tell Jocelyn about how he met her husband, Kakyoin and Avdol...and how they were murdered at the same time...

(YN): I-It happen so fast...I was there too when it happen...


Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now