Are You Serious ?? ♥ I Love You Too !! Part 7

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                                                         Are You Serious ?? ♥ I Love You Too !!

As I was walking pass the park it looked pretty empty, there were only 5 familes and some cute couples. I think it's cute when people show PDA, well I'm weird but does that make me sound creepy? I shook off all those thoughts in my mind and focused on looking for Ryan. Jesus said that he was going to be at Miguels Ice Cream Shop and it was just acrossed the street from the park.

 When I came inside the parlor there was a little girl, about 7, and she was crying. There was a spilled chocolate ice cream on the ground. I guessed it fell when she was walking. I walked up to her and gently shook her shoulders, "Hey, I can buy you another ice cream, sweetie," I told her with the sweetest eyes I could put on.

Her lips trembled a bit before she spoke, "Thank you very much," She was the most adorable little girl I've ever seen. He gorgeous blonde locks and her little voice she had. She had two little pig tails and she had a blue dress on.

 I nodded and told her I would be right back with her ice cream. As I walked toward Alex, Miguel the owners grandson, a guy just bumped into me, harshly might I add. I glared at the air before going on, "Reina! Your back, I haven't seenm you in a while. Did you bring James with you?" Alex said winking, Alex was in college, and he already had a baby and now he has to work here to get money.

"Alex! I told you we have nothing going on," I exclaimed before going on, "But can you give me a chocolate ice cream for my little friend over her," I said while pointing at the little girl.

"Sure," He got a cone and filled it with some chocolate ice cream that looked good right now. "Here you go," He said as he handed me the ice cream. I paid him and said a little thank you before walking over to the little girl who was now with her brother or someone.

 "Hey sweetie, I got your ice cream," I said while looking at her smile with joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said in her little innocent voice, that I loved.

Are You Serious??? I Love You Too !!! ♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora