Chapter 9: Fighting in a Mall, Normal Right?

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(So basically this but it's her original design/outfit)

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(So basically this but it's her original design/outfit)

Dusk's (Khonsu) POV

I then sighed, 'What was that? I had never seen that side of Rushia before' I thought as I walked down the hall to Holostars, I then walked to Bar Robel and entered. To my surprise the whole group was here, and the most surprising thing was that they had a flat screen tv and they were watching the collab stream the girls were doing. "Oh hey Dusk, decided to join us, huh?" Roberu said, I then chuckled. "Yeah, I am free right now. As you can see the girls are doing a stream right now." I replied as I took a seat next to Shien, he nodded and gave me a fist bump. I fist bump him back and watched the stream with them. Roberu then gave me a cup of my non-alcoholic drink. I nodded in thanks and continued to watch with them, "As could tell from the title, we have a really special guest that is coming back!" Sora said excitedly, the chat went crazy. Everyone was spamming Aloe in the chat off to the side, we then chuckled. "They really want her back, don't they." Izuru said as he took a sip of his juice, there were then a few negative comments but they were quickly attacked by the thousands of people who were watching. Then I noticed that the stream almost hit 40,000 views and I almost spat out my drink. "What?" Shien looked at me weirdly and I just pointed to the view counter they had in the top right hand corner for some reason. Shien looked at where I was pointing and choked on his drink. "DANG!" He said after he swallowed his drink, "What?" Everyone asked confused, "Look at the views!" I said, "Yabe, your right. That's a lot of views." Roberu said, we then chuckled. "Here she comes!" Nene exclaimed, "Hello everybody, how are all of you guys doing today?" Aloe said happily, though I could hear a hint of nervousness behind it. That when the chat really exploded and views skyrocketed to half a million. Everyone chanted in the chat, "ALOE ALOE ALOE.". 'I'm glad they like her return, man staying up until 1 was worth it' I thought, "Dusk, you really work hard for those girls, don't you?" Oga said, "H-how did you know?" I asked, genuinely confused. Izuru then scratched the back of his head. "We may or may not have "eavesdropped" a little on the girls when we heard they were talking about you." Izuru said, I must have looked really confused or weirded out through my shades, "You can't blame me! It's hard when they are right under you, whispering pretty loudly. We were surprised that even you didn't even hear it." Izuru quickly added, I then chuckled at Izuru's sudden attempt.

 "I was just really, really tired." I said, "You seem fine now, what did you do with the girls to get you energy back?" Rikka asked, "We-I mean I took a nap." I saved myself from that little slip, "We?" They asked, "No, no, no. I said, I. Not we, I." I replied, "Hai, hai, hai." They said, though I detected that they were probably still a little suspicious about my answer but we carried on watching the stream. I was surprised how Sora could organize all 30+ Hololive members, well I mean Yagoo has been talking a lot about her and how she was the one that brought the whole 'Hololive' together and made it grow. They were all either singing a cover of a song with a good amount of people or they were just taking turns singing with Aloe and not going to lie she has a very nice singing voice. Roberu then went under his desk and pulled out a laptop that was hooked up to the tv. He then had a smirk on his face, "You boys thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked, we then looked at each other and gave him a grin. "I will go first." Roberu said, he was typing in a song name since the girls are just scrolling through chat to see any good song to sing. Roberu then sent a superchat and told one of them to do a King cover. Mio was there coincidently there and she had a shock face, "Roberu! You decided to join us?" She asked, we then laughed at her reaction. Aloe then piped up, "But seriously? King? Are you just doing this for the viewers?" Aloe asked, then the chat started to spam, "Thank you winning son!". Aloe then sighed but sang King none the less. After she was done, Astel had an idea. "What if we told them to do a cover of our cover of the trio we did." Astel said, we then laughed again. "I like the way you think." Temma laughed, so then Astel sent another superchat but it was still through Roberu's account.

When Darkness Meets The Light (Hololive Ookami Mio X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora