I nodded.

???:"Lee Taeyong. Who's the daddy we're talking about?"

He was talking in such a chill voice.


He whistled and chuckled softly.

Taeyong:"You got yourself in some serious sh*t."

I sighed and hid my face again.

Y/N:"Yeah, I know."

I then looked up at him.

Y/N:"Why are you here?"

The werewolf sat himself normally and shook the chains so that it made a small sound.

Taeyong:"Eh, supposedly murder. Someone 'saw' me killing and called the guards on me."

Y/N:"So you're falsely here?"

The male scracthed the back of his neck and yawned.

Taeyong:"Well, you aren't totally wrong. But you aren't right either."

I looked at him confused.

Taeyong:"I did kill someone but not the person they're accusing me of."

My eyes widened in surprise but I tried to hide my emotions. Well, I wasn't very good at it.

Taeyong:"Don't be so surprised. You're in jail after all. But I don't take lifes for fun like some do. I kill creatures that deserve that."

Y/N:"Why did you say creatuers?"

He titled his head to the side and now he was the one looking confused.

Taeyong:"Aren't you a werewolf?"

Y/N:"Yeah? And what about it?"

Taeyonf:"Don't you werewolfs have a really good sense of smelling or something?"

Suspicious. I nodded and sniffled a little the air around me. My eyes widened when my nose picked up something unfamilliar and... bloody.

Taeyong laughed at my face.

Taeyong:"That's right, Y/N. I'm not a werewolf, I'm a vampire."

He then stood up and streched his arms above his head like he never had those chains on them. But hey. He really didn't have them on at the moment.

Y/N:"Hey! How did you-"

Taeyong:"That was a nice talk. I see you aren't familiar with the world you got yourself into. Lucky for you, I know everything about this land. Unlucky for you, I don't have time for this kind of conversation right now."

He walked to the bars of his cell and grinned at me.

Y/N:"What do you mean you don't have time?"

Just then, the wall behind him exploded and behind the now ruined wall stood two men that smelled like Taeyong. One had glasses on and ridiculously looked like a bunny. The other was smiling like an idiot while showing off dimples on his handsome face.

 The other was smiling like an idiot while showing off dimples on his handsome face

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The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now