I honestly replied "I honestly don't know."

Impatient Lilith asked ironically "How is it possible that you can always be so irresponsible?"

Feel Nicholas shake my hand and say in my defense "No matter what happened, the important thing now is that he gets better soon."

I shook hands back too.

In a stern tone Lilith told me "Try to be more responsible in the future! Especially when it concerns your health." With these words I realized that she is sincerely worried about me, I knew that deep down she loved me.

After calming down a bit she asked a fatal question "Who served you that alcoholic drink?"

Without thinking twice Klaus replied "I created it." In less than two seconds he had all eyes on him.

After all, I hadn't told him about my health conditions, I should have been the one to say no. In defense of him I intervene by explaining to everyone that he was not to blame.

Luckily Gaius intervened by telling everyone that I being weak at this moment I needed absolute rest for at least two days, kindly inviting all present to leave the room.

To my amazement, Lilith and my cousin carried out the doctor's request without complaint, but as for Nicholas he stood motionless by my side.

Gaius seeing that he had no intention of leaving me invited him back to the room to let me rest.

But Nicholas clearly expresses his position "I have no intention of going anywhere. I am not leaving her here alone."

Not wishing him to go, I grabbed his arm firmly, stating in an authoritarian tone "I want him to stay here. I don't care if you don't agree with this, don't I have to remind you who's in charge in this place?"

Gaius agreed to our request and later left the room leaving me and Nicholas alone.


Pov Lilith

Noting that not everyone had left the room I immediately question Gaius as to why Nicholas had not gone out with us, he briefly explained that Sabrina wanted him to stay with her.

Understanding the reasons why the boy had stayed I didn't ask further questions, looking around I noticed the absence of another person.

With an authoritative tone I asked all present "Is it possible to know where Goffredo has ended up?"

Klaus replied that he thought he saw my son leave the party with the organizer of the event. Now I don't want to go looking around for her but as soon as I catch her I don't want to be in her place.


Pov Sabrina

After a brief exchange of glances between us Nicholas asked me "How are you feeling now?"

"Much better thanks, and how are you?"

He softly replied "Now that I know you feel better I'm fine."

With lack of topics to discuss, he fell silent between us. To be honest there would be a topic I would like to talk about with him.

It was me who broke the silence "Why did you come here? There is nothing that binds you to this place."

"You're wrong there is something that binds me to hell and that thing is you."

I expected him to answer something like that, as much as I wish I would never separate from him again especially after we reunited after so many years apart from each other I have to do something that will break my heart.

I have to do this for both of us.

When someone feels intense love for another person, such as I do for Nicholas, the first thing you think about every day is the well-being of your loved one.

Throughout my entire existence I have always made selfish choices by causing those around me to pay the consequences for my decisions, but now I can no longer allow that to happen.

My heart longs for him to stay here with me, but I recognize that it is unfair that he should spend the rest of his life in the place where he once suffered more than anyone else just for me.

In the most detached way possible, I told him bluntly "You're wrong here, there's nothing that binds you anymore."

With a confused look on his face he replies "Yes, there is because somehow my heart has always remained tied to you. And I know what you're trying to do, you want to get away because you think I haven't calculated the possibility of staying here forever. "

Unable to hold back, tears began to fall from my eyes and I told him "I cannot allow you to ruin your life with a decision made only with the heart, because if you stayed I would spend the rest of my existence being afraid that you you somehow regretted this choice. "

While Nicholas wipes the tears from my cheeks with both hands he said to me "Believe me before I came here I have thought about this for a long time and I have realized that I will never be happy if you are not in my life. This fact will not come. influenced in any way by where we are now, okay? "

I nodded in response.

An impulse dictated by his heart led me to throw myself into his arms in which I remained there all night. He then followed a series of sweet promises and hopes for the future.

Despite everything together againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant