Chapter 25

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Y/n's Pov

24 days
     13 hours

             34 minutes
                      And 27 seconds

Since that day.

All I can think about is him.

It hurts every time I breathe or move.

I never truly understood why people would cry over someone breaking up with them. Past me would have said I'm being pathetic and weak.

But does showing your emotions make you weak?


As I lay down in my bed curled up in a ball. I feel my sticky face dried of all its tears. Because when you've cried so much sometimes there's never any more tears left to cry. Even if you feel like you want to you just can't.

" Y/n/n, you need to get up at some point, " Hermione says as she crawls in the bed with me

I got up to use the bathroom, " I say snuggling up close to her

" Hurray you got up to use the bathroom, " Hermione says sarcastically as she brushes my tangled hair out of my face " Can you at least get up to eat? "

" I'm not hungry, " I say as soon as she asks. Even though my head is pounding with every thought that crosses my mind. Or when my eyes can barely focus on light. And when I stand up I have to grab something because I get so dizzy. But I'm just not hungry anymore...

" You've barely eaten Y/n! " She says putting an arm over my waist " And don't say you're fine because you feel like bones, "

Maybe it's time I get up. I can't stay in my dorm room forever.

Through these past days, I told dumbledore I was out with spattergroit. And for the most part, he believed it. But Im pretty sure he knew I was lying.

He knew about my situation especially since he's close with the ministry. He's supposed to be mine and Draco's officiant for the wedding. Apparently, my father says it's good for the daily prophet if he's in it.

" Alright, let's go then, " I say getting out of my warmth

" Wait! Really! " Hermione says shooting up from the bed and looking at me

" Yes really, " I chuckle " I can't stay in bed forever, "

Even if I want to.

" Just don't overdo yourself, " She says coming up to me placing her arms on my shoulders " We can go get some butterbeer and check out Hogsmeade, "

" That sound brilliant, I'll just go take a shower and get ready, " I say tucking a piece of her bushy hair behind her ear

She smiles back at me than her face scrunched up with annoyance " Ugh I have to go to my dorm to get ready, " She says running a hand through her hair.

Realizing that our common rooms are a long walk I say " Just get ready here, I bet I have some clothes you may like, "

As her face lightens up she hugs me " Thank you, I've always wanted to do this. I could never because Harry and Ron never- "

She quickly stops talking and says " Sorry, " looking down at her feet

I lift up her face with my finger and said " You can talk about him I don't really care, " even though I really do " Besides I've got to get used to it, "

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙩𝙨 (𝙃.𝙥 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now