Chapter 24

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Y/n's pov

Silence. Absolute silence. No one said a word. No one breathed. No one moved. Everyone's smile dropped.

It was as if everyone was told something so horrible (ex: a death) that they just couldn't believe it. As if not moving or saying anything will make it go away. As if they didn't as what they just said.

I see harry looking at me as my face went pale. My skin was on fire. My heart was begging this was a dream that this wasn't real.

" You still haven't told them? Y/n, " Draco says looking at me. But as soon as he sees my face he instantly regrets what he said. He wouldn't admit it but he was just jealous and didn't think I would have this reaction.

" Liar, " harry finally says unsure if what he was saying was true

" You're full of shit Malfoy, " Ron says backing up harry

I look at Hermione not bringing myself to speak. All I want to do is cry and hide away like a child. My throat was aching my heart was begging for me to say the right thing to fix it.

When our eyes connect I realized she was already watching my every move. She wanted to come and comfort me but wasn't sure if she should.

" Am I Y/n/n? " He says not backing down since they've called him out even though he wished he never got up to say anything " Am I lying? "

Everyone stared at me. But I wasn't looking at anyone until Harry moved my face to look at him.

" Tell me it isn't true, " Harry says with pleading eyes " Tell me he's lying, " with every word I hear his voice cracking and eyes glistening. Making his glasses fog up " Tell me Malfoy is just jealous and that you're not marrying him because you love me, "

At this point, I couldn't keep the tears from running down my face. Everything hit me. What I've been doing. I never should have lead him to the 7th floor because if I didn't he wouldn't be crying in front of me. He wouldn't have fallen in love with me.

I wouldn't have fallen in love with him.

There's no way of getting out of it so breathe the words I wish weren't true " He's not lying, he's telling the truth, "

He looks into my eyes searching to see if im lying. Hoping that maybe this was a horrible joke. That I didn't break my promise again. But found that I wasn't lying. I was telling the truth.

" How could you- why would- was this game to you? " He says yelling at me " Was this a bet to see if you can get the little virgin boy to have sex with you? And then when you got what you wanted let him fall for you? "

" No of course not I- " I try to say through tears but was cut off

" No, it is. You wanted me to fall in love with you then you'd break my heart. Right? " He says with most venom he could muster

" No, I love you. I do. This was never a game to me, I promise, "  I say begging him to listen to me

"Liar, you don't love me. You never did, " He says looking down at me with his hands in his hair trying to pull it out " God do you know what the worst part is? " He says shaking his head as if he couldn't believe what he was about to say " I still love you, and I probably always will. Because im the idiot who thought he could get the girl he always wanted, "

" I have to, " I say looking down below a whisper " I have to marry him, "

" I can't believe anything you say anymore, " He says looking at me in disbelief " Because everything that comes out of your mouth is lies, "

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙩𝙨 (𝙃.𝙥 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now