________________THE NEXT DAY_________________

I woke up to Julie screaming about an alarm. "Y/N! WAKE UP NOW! WE SLEPT IN AND FLYNN DIDN'T WAKE US UP!"

Damn it! I could tell this was not the right way to start the day. I sprung out of bed and stole some clothes from Flynn's drawers. As we ran to the kitchen, I went to grab a drink but my wrist was yanked away from the fridge and out the door. "Okay! Okay!". We ran to school and burst into the dance studio.

"Oh, girls, how nice of you to join us."

"I'm so sorry, we overslept" Julie fumbled her words through gasping breaths. 

"Take your spot." 

Julie and I looked at each other and walked to our spots. They were conveniently, at either side of Flynn. As we stood with her, she smiled at us.

"So... why didn't you wake us up? We missed our first three classes" Julie gave her a condescending look.

"You said, you would never show your face at school again, and I know you and y/n are a package deal."

"It's okay," I told her. 

"It's the guys I'm really upset at." Julie added. "I'd kill them if they weren't already dead. And dragging y/n into that... I just.. can't believe them."

"You know, having a band is supposed to help you social life not ruin it."

"Ex-band." I corrected her.

"Right, sorry. Ex-band."

"I thought they were in this with us, but I guess we were wrong."

"Hey, don't blame yourself, you can only be so strong when three cute ghosts ask you to join a band. Especially when you fall in love with one." She turned and smiled at me, "And speaking of cute... have you talked to Nick today?"

"No... and I'm kind of dreading it.. At least I know I won't see him in this class."

"Erm.. I would think again." I pointed to the doorway, seeing the lacrosse team standing, watching us.

"You've got to be kidding me. What are they doing here!?"

"So, students, Coach Barron and I have decided that his lacrosse team will be part of our class for a few weeks." We adjusted our stance to hide the panic in our faces, "Many pro athletes have used dance to help them with coordination and mobility."

"This isn't about flirting with girls" Coach Barron added on and we all laughed, "It's about making us better so we can actually win a game. We lost against Burbank. Burbank!"

"Okay, everybody pair up!" The boys started to disperse among the crowd and someone whisked Flynn away, Nick then came over and paired up with Julie, just leaving me. Before I knew it, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see one of Nick's friends, Cameron. (Yes, Cameron is made up haha, it's the first name that came to mind) "Partners?" He held out his hand for me to take. I smiled and took his hand as we made our way to a spot in the hall. "Sure".

"So, ladies, let's rehearse what we learned last week and we will perform this with the boys this Friday. Coach Barron and I will demonstrate."

Coach started to stutter and make excuses but he was pulled into the demonstration anyway.

"So... That performance that happened at the rally was impressive."

"Oh.. thanks" I smiled.

"Yeah, I was going to ask you something then but I saw that you were... leaving, I guess?" Cameron continued.

"What were you going to ask me?"

"Well.. I was going to ask you if you wanted to maybe hangout sometime?"

I didn't expect that. I used to like Cameron, you know, before he came along. He was a little late, but because of the complications with Reggie, I thought why not at least give it a try.

"Yeah.. erm.. I'll give you my number." I smiled as the lesson continued and the conversation calmed.


Hi! Firstly, I want to thank you for 1.2k reads! That's crazy! Another sort of short chapter as, for some reason, I always get my inspiration late on a school night. Sorry for not posting many updates, I've been crazed with a lot, school and my friends birthday is coming up and I'm making sure it's perfect. I'm also working hard on my etsy shop, I haven't had any orders yet, but I'm so happy I can have that place to display my work. (Again if you want to check out my work I'm Craftofthemind on Etsy). Well I hope you liked this chapter and it was enough to keep you going till the next. :)


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