The Murder of One

Start from the beginning

Whilst Klaus was gone she took it upon herself to gather a few witchy things that Esther had left behind taking them downstairs knowing that Bonnie would be needing them.

Walking into the one of the grand rooms she stumbled upon her brother chained up with what looked like hunting traps from the ceiling. Seeing Rebekah was midway torturing him. "Damon?" Alessia was puzzled by what was happening but she wasn't so surprised by any of Mikaelson's antics by now.

"Sister! Want to do me a favour and help a brother out?" Damon chuckled shooting her his signature smirk but she knew it was when we wanted something.

"What did he do now?" She wondered looking over to Rebekah knowing what Damon was like.

"How did you know I did anything?"

"I know you Damon" Alessia rolled her eyes at her brother needing to say nothing more.

"Damon here pretended to be interested in me. Then he slept with me so his trampy friend sage could steal my thoughts" Rebekah explained simply

Whilst she was putting two and two together. "Wait so you're telling me that you slept with both of my brothers?" It weirded her out a bit knowing that her sister in law had slept with both of her brothers.

"Is there anyone you haven't slept with Damon?" Alessia turned to Damon before stopping herself. "Wait don't answer that" Not wanting to hear about her brothers sex life.

Instead of going to help him she decided to leave Rebekah to it "You can have your fun for a while but just don't kill him" Knowing not to come between Rebekah and her to play things. "Wait, you're leaving me here with her," Damon was shocked to see his sister walk away.

"You have to learn that you can't just sleep with people to get your own way" She shot back defensively making Damon sulk almost. That he had to learn his lesson the hard way, and that they were probably trying to use him part of blackmailing Bonnie to do the spell. She knew how they worked.

Alessia griminced a little hearing Damon's screams as she left the room, with Rebekah carrying on torturing him. She returned back to the living room where Klaus was keeping Bonnie. "What was that?"

"I wouldn't let it bother you, love." Klaus smirked reassuring the Bennett Witch.

"Well, it does bother me. You bother me. Well, you use people to get what you want, it's not right" Bonnie was tired of playing Klaus's games.

"You're being emotional, Bonnie. I understand that things have been rough for you. You know, with your mother leaving. Again. It's very sad. I can help you find her, if you want. I have people who can find people who can bring her back to you. Or, if you choose I can just bring parts of her back." Klaus smirked trying to manipulate her, but Bonnie soon pushed Klaus away from her.

"Isn't it obvious that I'm just gonna continue to hurt the people you love until you do the spell? Now, I know it's in the grimoire and I know it requires the blood of my siblings, so here we are."

Alessia watched as Klaus went and grabbed a case and opened it. She could see inside there were four bottles of blood. "Elijah. Rebekah. Kol. Finn." Klaus spoke pointing to each one before he bit into his hand holding out his bloody hand clenched in a first and looked to Bonnie.

"Where do you want us?" Alessia couldn't help to grin with Klaus finding it a little amusing.

"Stop dripping blood on the floor" Bonnie looked away and grabbed a nearby glass holding it under Klaus's hand so his blood was dripping into it.

They were all waiting eagerly as Bonnie started to cast the spell. Both Alessia and Klaus had their focus to watch the spell unfollow as Bonnie poured one of the vials of blood into the cup. As she was mixing up all of the siblings blood before pouring it onto the table. The blood was starting to disappear into fire in different circles for the 5 different bloodlines. As Bonnie was continuing the spell the flames of the fire were starting to flare up, meaning it was working. The large pool of blood suddenly became five separate pools of blood that were moving away from each other.

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