Part 38

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A few months later.

"Babe we're late!" Peter shout at me from outside.

I brush the last strand of my wet hair and make my way down the stairs. It's hard to walk with extra weight and a huge bump in front of you. My belly is much bigger now and everything feels uncomfortable.

I get into the car and Peter kiss my temple before starting the car.

We're on our way to the hospital for my last check up. In less than one month this baby is going to be born. We found out three months ago that it wil be a girl and we're super excited. I've already designed her room with pink and purple.

After my father and Greg died we went back to Jack's place and packed all our stuff, the next day we flew to Tempa and now we're settling down. Peter and Jack does their weed business and it's going great. Sam is fully recovered and comes to visit me almost every day as we live right across from each other now.

The roads are quiet and I roll the window down, I let my hand make waves in the air as the wind fly by. My life has turned out quite well thus far, I'm married;the legal and willingly way, I have a baby on the way and I have a wonderful house and blessed with good friends.

Peter stop the car in front of the doctors office and we get out.

The office smell like medicine and it's cleaned to perfection. We take a seat at the door where we sat the last couple of months and wait for the doctor.

"Mr and Mrs. McGregor." The doctor call us while holding the door open.

I stand up but feel a sharp pain right under my belly and my legs start getting wet but I didn't pee and my pee sure ain't red.

Peter turns and worry is all over his face. He rush toward me holding me by the arm and one hand on my back. He ramble something but the doctor cuts him short.

"Ah she's coming." The doctor says with a wide smile leading Peter and I into the room.

The doctor instruct me to lay on the bed with my legs open. He tells Peter to hold my hand and to calm me down. Peter sits next to me holding my hand tight. "It's going to be alright baby." he wisper at me.

"It hurts." I say as the cramps start to get worse. I hold onto his hand as if it was dear life itself.

The doctor went outside to call some nurses from the hospital to come help and in a few minutes they're all in the room putting strange sticky things on my chest and then they do blood pressure and all kinds off medical routines to make sure the baby and I'm in good condition.

Each minute that pass the pain gets worse and I scream as I feel it get more intense.

"Push. "
"Push. "

It goes on for a while and I do as the doctor says but then I feel an awful pain in my lower stomach and push as hard as I can. Peter still holds my hand and says in between my yelling that it's okay, I'm going to be fine. He such great support throughout the whole pregnancy as well.

Baby crying fills my ears and Peter smile from ear to ear. He lets go of my hand and take the baby from the doctor then he folds her little body in a pink blanket before handing her to me.

The three of us sit in silence, there's still tears and smiles and all the emotions in one that twril through our minds.

"Welcome to the family Emma." Peter says and hold the both of us.

"Peter I love you so much." I say and he kiss me passionately.

"Together Forever." He wisper.

"Together Forever." I repeat after him.

The end.


Thank you all for reading my book if you made it this far. There won't be a second book but keep an eye out, there might come new books in the future.

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