Part 8

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"Wake her up, then bring her to my study." I hear from behind the door.

My body feels weak but I manage to push that aside to get the hell out of here. It's been two days I've been locked in here. I slept on the concrete floor so my body is stiff everywhere and the pain in my shoulder keeps getting worse.

After making it to the door, it opens slowly revealing Butt.

He has a guilty look on his face but he just stares at me for a while before he speak in the softest tone.

"Mr. MacGregor would like to see you in his study ma'am." he says and step aside so that I can walk past him. It's only a staircase leading up with two small light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.

I take the steps one by one and hold the wall with my good arm so that I don't fall backwards. I also notice that butt keeps close behind for incase I lose my balance.

There is a door at the top of the stairs and when I open it we're in the kitchen. I have never opened this door so I never knew what was down here.

I sigh but focused hard to let my legs stay firm enough just so that I can make it to the study.

Why should I go though?

I stand up a little more straight and hold my breath in for a second then I ran as fast as I could toward the front door.

Everything inside of me ache but I have to get out of here.

Just as I grab the doorknob and rush down the few steps I feel a hard tug at my arm and cry out in pain as it is my bad shoulders side.

I spin around then two guards that always roam through the property grabs me on either side by the arms and drag me into the house and up the stairs toward Peter's study.

"Let me go!"

None of my attempts help but I've got to do something so I kick and scream the whole time.

The door of the study opens and I see Peter standing with his back to us and then I see his father standing in the opposite corner staring harshly at me with those ugly brown eyes. Everything inside of me freeze. I don't like this man.

The men release me and I stumble a little but gain my balance in time.

"Sit." Mr. McGregor order.

I stand still and the tears are building up.

Mr. McGregor place both his hands in his pockets and then starts walking toward me.

He wears a very expensive looking suit. It's brown and he has a white dress shirt underneath with a lighter brown color tie.

It matches him. Looks like shit, just like him.

"Sit." He repeat but this time he stands right in front of me.

"I'm not a dog." I say.

He got all shades of red then he slaps me hard across the face. My whole boddy swing to the right and I fall to the floor. I see small red drops hitting the wood.

Then the pain shoots through my face and I taste blood in my mouth, my lip is slit open.

Mr. McGregor then kicks me hard in the tummy.

He repeatedly kicked me, with his right foot then two or three times with his left foot.

"Father enough!" Peter's voice fills my ears.

The kicking stops and I'm lifted off the floor with two strong arms. Peter lifts me up bridal style as if I'm as light as a feather.

"You need to punish her Peter! Your pathetic!" Mr. McGregor shouts after us.

I lost consciousness when the door shut behind us and the last thing I saw was very angry brown eyes.


My eyelids feel heavy and my body ache even more than before but this time I can feel I'm not laying on concrete, I'm in a comfortable bed.

I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in my own room. I slowly let out a breath but stop as soon as a painful sting comes from my left side.

"Stay down ma'am, take it easy. It's okay." A woman says when she enter my room and comes closer.

She helps me to sit up more straight and puts a pillow behind my back. I cringe at every movement.

"You broke two ribs and got some bruises in your face as well as your shoulder but lucky for you it's only a muscle that got hurt. Just take it easy for a few weeks and you'll be good to go." She says and smile at me.

"Who are you?" I ask and take the pills she hand me with the glass of water.

"I'm just a nurse. My name is Sarah. This is for pain."  She says sweetly.

I say nothing back but drink the pills.

Sarah takes the glass and then left the room.

I slowly lift my shirt up and see that my side is purple, almost a black color.

Slowly I stand up and make my way toward the bathroom, I need to take a warm bath.

There is a small bottle standing on the counter top and I take it with one hand then read the paper that was glued onto it.

Throw five caps into bath. It will help with pain.

I take the lid of and throw a little of the green liquid into the running water.

I take off all my clothes and get into the tub, I stare at myself in the small mirror. My left eye is swollen and purple underneath, my cheek also has some redness and my bottom lip has an ugly cut.

After half an hour of bathing and struggling I finally got out and then took a notebook and pencil with a blanket and went out to my balcony.

I grip the side of my body as I lower myself to sit on the big cushion. It hurts so bad.

The trees and the sky catch my attention and I decide to draw the view.

Black and white.

The bad and the good.

Nothing is good in this house.

I need to leave.

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