Part 37

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My eyes flutter open and I'm still alone in the room, it feels darker this time. My head hurts a little and my hands and feet are sore where I tried to free myself. I look around me to find something I can use to help me escape.

The broken chair pieces was still laying next to me, the foot of the chair has a sharp edge where it broke off so I hop on the chair I'm sitting so that I can move a little then reach for the stick. A few times of almost knocking myself over and a few very awkward stretching I finally got the stick in my hands.

With fast but steady movements I began to cut the rope. I really do hope this works. After feeling like hours has passed it doesn't seem like the wood helped. I release the wood and it hits the floor with a little thud noise. The door opens and Alan looks inside. His intense eyes dug a hole into my head as he stare at me.

"Don't do anything stupid." He says and slams the door closed.

I hear muffled voices outside and then a lot of loud footsteps. Something slams against the door but it doesn't break.

This gave me the motivation to pull at the ropes even more and it tore my flesh open with each and every turn or pull I give. Just as the pain gets unbearable my right hand slip out with the help of my blood. I quickly untie my feet then grap the wooden stick while running toward the door.

I put my ear against it to hear clearly then a voice comes from far but it's loud enough to hear.

"Go get her!" It was my father.

The door burst open and I stab Alan with the sharp edge of the stick, he scream in pain but I move faster than him. I go behind him and kick hard where the stick stabbed him, he gives a low growling sound but I rush out the door slamming it shut as well, there's two locks on the door so I lock both of them then I run up the stairs.

I was right it was a basement I was kept in but this one wasn't linked with the house it was a self made basement a few yards from the house I met Alan at.

I take a few steps to my right but keep my eyes everywhere around me to make sure nobody sees me but then I trip and fall onto a piece of wood. I scrape some of the dirt away and see it's the same door in the ground I came out of.

I immediately thought about Peter, he might possibly be down there.

Without any second thoughts I pick up a huge rock and climb down the stairs. There's a single door at the bottom and also has two locks.

"Is somebody in here?" I ask softly, there's no answer then I ask again a little bit louder. I wait again then turn around, no need to stay too long at this place I need to get home.

"Kate is that you?" I hear a deep voice.

"Peter!" I shout.

I start hitting the locks over and over again with all the strength I had left in me. The first lock splatter into small pieces but the second one just won't break. I try again with all my might and the very last hit I had left in me and the lock falls to the ground.

I hurry to open the door and see that Peter and Jack was tied back to back against each other. I start to untie them then hug Peter very tightly.

"I was so scared." I start crying in his arms.

"I'm so, so sorry baby I love you." He wisper and holds me tighter against him.

"We need to move now." Jack says but has an apologetic look on his face.

Jack takes something out of his pocket, it looks like a mini remote but there's only three buttons on. He press the blue one and tugs it deeper into his pocket.

"Sam wil find us soon." He says then we move out.

The two men looked awful. Peter has an ugly scar on the one side of his neck, both his eyes are swolen and blue but they're not that bad, his nose is puffy and dry blood covers almost his whole face, same with Jack but his lip are cut open at the top and the bottom and his nose looks worse than Peter's.

Tears start to fill my eyes but I stop them before they fall, we'll have time to cry later now we had to be strong and get out of this shit show.

We silently make our way toward the house, we can hear my father and Greg shouting at each other but we can't hear what they're saying. Peter uses his hand signals to instruct me to stay behind them at all times and I nod my head at him. Jack moves quickly, he breaks one of the guards at the front doors neck then throws the weapon to Peter. Peter checks the bullets then nod at Jack who then opens the door and another thud sound is heard.

Jack peek outside showing we must follow him. As we walk passed the first guard that lay on the ground I see there's a small pistol in his holster so I take it silently so that Peter don't notice anything and tug it into my pants behind my back.

We walk into the room were my father and Greg were arguing, they both has horror written all over their faces.

Peter and Jack has a gun in their hands.

"Time is up bitch." Peter says lifting his gun.

"Wait!" I shout.

Peter gives me a confused look but I wink at him then walk closer to Greg, my father was sitting across the room in a comfortable looking chair and Greg was standing next to his desk.

I stand right in front of Greg, I look him straight in the eyes the whole time. He starts shifting uncomfortably from one leg to the other, I can see he feels fear, he is out numbered now that Jack killed all the guards. Nobody can save him now.

I take out the gun from behind my back then point it against his temple, his eyes twitch as the barrel make contact with his skin. A smile form on my face because it's such a joy to see the person who treated you like shit and almost killed you to feel the same horror.

"Never hit a woman." I say then pull the trigger.

Wet drops hit my face as well as my whole body in the front. Greg fell backwards onto the ground with his eyes wide open with no emotion.

I turn around and walk toward my father who sat speechless in the chair. I can see the fear in his eyes as well.

"What happened to my mother?" I ask.

"I-I didn't do.." He began.

"I'm only asking this one more time. What happened to my mother?" I ask again with small pauses in between my words.

My father look me in the eyes then tears start to fill his eyes, it didn't ever break my heart to see him this vulnerable. He sniff a few times then look at me again.

"I had to." He says and start breaking into sobs.

I stare down at my father, he was never a good man and I wil never accept him as family. Never.

I pull the trigger and stare at his last tear that slip down his cheek as a tear of my own also fall down to the ground.

"My mother didn't deserve this and neither did I. " I say loudly then turn around.

Peter and Jack only stare at me but Peter comes closer then take the gun out of my shaking hands. He hugs me while I sob hard into his chest and that's when I realized it's over. Everything is now over.

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