Part 32

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Yesterday after Peter gave me the bad news about both our father's that's ganging up against us made me feel even more uneasy and sick. The last two or three weeks I kept feeling tired and get the weirdest cravings but mostly for some toast bread with peanut butter. This morning only feels a lot worse than the other days.

"Kate are you alright in there?" Peter knocks on the bathroom door.

I've sat next to the toilet for almost half an hour puking my breakfast out. I think I've got a tummy virus or whatever might be in the air.

"Yes I'm fine." I say to Peter when I open the door.

Peter put his finger under my chin so that I look up at him. He frowns and then turn my head right then left.

"I don't like seeing you like this, get into bed I'll go fetch Sam." Peter says but first he walks with me to the bed and tugs me in.

He then leave the room and only seconds later he comes back with Sam following close behind.

"Hi." I say and smile at Sam, he smile back at me and then get started with the things he had in a black bag.

He took some saliva, blood and pee from me to go test it and maby they can see what could be the matter.

I fell asleep shortly after Sam left and slept uneasy the whole time.

I feel a hand stroking my face and Peter stares down at me with a smile on his face. He looks happy and that rarely happen the last few days.

"I've got great news Kate." He says and kiss me on the mouth. "We're pregnant!"

"What?!" I shout and my eyes widen.

I'm going to be a mother!

After hearing this I'm not sure how to react, sure I'm happy there's a baby coming which I'll raise with the man I love but is it really now the time to get pregnant while there's still so many things to get out of the way. Now my baby's life is also in danger and I could never forgive myself if anything had to happen.

What will we do if someone found out and then comes after me to kill the baby for revenge. So many things run through my head and I think Peter saw all the thoughts because he leans closer with a small smile still on his face.

"Hey, don't stress. I've got you and our baby." Peter says hugging me tight against him.

"I love you so much Peter." I whisper and a tear fall down my face. Peter pulls away and wipe my tear away with his thumb. "And I love you." He kisses me with passion and I kiss him back.

His hands travel down my chest then to my hips, I let my fingers through his hair and down his back. He's a very good looking man and I can't help myself to feel more lust toward him so I buckle my hips toward him and a low growl escape his mouth. Within seconds I feel his erection against my tight.

We start undressing and made love, fireworks went off in my body the whole time. This man is my everything.

We cuddled up and talked for the rest of the night about baby names and what we would like it to be, we both decided we'd love to have a boy but if it's a girl we'd still love her and keep her save.

Excitement fills me every time when I think about moving away from this awful place and start a new life, not only with Peter and our friends but now with a baby as well.

Peter promised that they're taking care of Greg and my father so when I wipe my eyes out we'll be on our way to Tempa.

As Peter and I lay in each others arms he slowly and softly makes circles on my tummy with his index finger, he really seems happy just like me to start this new chapter. He'll be a wonderful dad that's for sure and I'll give my very best to be a good mother just like my mother taught me to be. How I wish she could be here to see her grandchild but I know she's looking down from heaven very proudly.

Everything will work out, I put all my trust in Peter.

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