Chapter 12

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Nancie woke up to sirens and a whole lot of commotion outside.
"Nancie you need to get outta her they are bombing the whole place up!"Betty said
to Nancie grabbing her making her way outside.
"Get down!"Red shouted as a bomb hit the house braking everything.
"Nancie you need to come with me!"Red said grabbing Nancie.
"What about Betty?"She asked.
"Don't worry Nancie I'll be fine I love you both  stay safe."Betty said hugging Nancie and kissing Red. Red and Nancie drove off to where Earl and the planes were.

Rafes POV
Last night Rafe and Danny had a whole argument about the situation and even got into a fight but they are ok now since Nancie forgave Danny. They even fell asleep outside in a car.Rafe woke up when a bomb was hit right near where Danny and him were sleeping.
"Danny get up!"Rafe shouted shaking Danny.
"What!"Danny jumped up from where he was sleeping and took in the scenery and what was happening.
"Nancie where is she!"Danny shouted worried incase she got hurt.
"I thought you let her stay with Betty and Red!"Rafe  shouted back at him.
"I did but where is she now?"Danny asked.
"I don't know but the sooner we stop this the sooner we can find her."Rafe said starting up the car and driving off to Earl and the planes.

Nancies POV
"Red!Nancie! Get down!"Earl shouted to them as a bomb was getting thrown down.
"What are we gonna do?"Nancie questioned after the plan was gone.
"We need the planes to go out who can fly?"Earl questioned and Nancie new she was the best flyer out of all the men.
"I'll go."Nancie volunteered.
"Nancie your pregnant."Red said stopping her.
"I know I am but I might die today so I might aswell die fighting to stop these bastards!"Nancie said getting into the plane and staring it up.
"Ok be careful when another plane is ready I'll be up there with you."Red shouted and Nancie flew off. Just after she went Danny and Rafe came running over to everyone.
"Danny Rafe we need you two up there helping!"Earl shouted at them getting a walki talki to speak to Nancie.
"Be carful Danny I'll have your back."Rafe said getting ready to take off. Although they had a argument Rafe would always protect Danny they were like brothers.
"Nancie can you hear me."Earl shouted down the walki talki.
"Yeah loud and clear."Nancie said dodging the planes that were shooting at her.
"Danny i have 2 on my back can you shoot it."Rafe said down the walki talki to Danny.
"Rafe I can't I've got 3 on my back what are we gonna do!"Danny said getting worried now. Nancie saw the two planes that Danny and Rafe were in and them getting chased so she flew over and started shooting them down.
"That's what you get you mother fucker!"Nancie shouted her victory after shouting 2 planes down.
"Hey where did they go?"Danny questioned flying next to Rafe. Nancie heard this and flew in between Danny and Rafes planes and said
"Took you long enough i just saved both your arses!"
"Nancie what are you doing you could get hurt!"Danny shouted down the walki talki and looking into the plane that Nancie was in.
"I know but I had to do something."Nancie said shooting down another plane.
"Looks like my training came in handy."Rafe said to Nancie.
"I learned from the best."Nancie said back to him.
"Ok Danny Rafe there a 3 planes on your back."Earl said down the walki talki.
"Earl I need you and the other to get up on that tower and when the time is right shoot."Rafe said and Danny and Nancie knew what he was planning.
"Ok will do be careful."Earl said to the 3.
"I'll buy you guys time."Nancie said flying off with a plane chasing her but Danny shot it down.
"Thanks Danny."Nancie said. Rafe and Danny still had 3 planes of there back now.
"Earl are you up there yet!"Nancie shouted.
"This tower is a long mother fucker but I'm here now get ready."Earl said
"Alright Danny let's play chickens with theses fuckers!"Rafe said.
Danny and Rafe flew each side of the tower and when they came around they dodged eachover and the planes crashes into eachover with the help of Earl and the others shooting them.
"Bye bye bastards."Nancie said waving at the exploded planes.
"Language."Rafe said to Nancie whilst laughing .
"Guys I'm going to fight the others off."Nancie said.
"I'll come with you just incase."Danny said flying over with Nancie. As they flew across the harbour everyone down below was cheering them on as they was shooting the other planes.
After the enemys were all dead Nancie managed to land her plane safely and before she could get down properly Danny ran to her and picked her up hugging her.
"I thought you was gonna die out there don't do that ever again."Danny said kissing Nancie.
"Don't worry I'm not planning to."Nancie laughed.
"Rafe I'm so glad your okay."Nancie said hugging her brother.
"I need to go find Betty and sort things out with Evelyn just incase I never see her again!"Nancie exclaimed. Jumping into the car.
"We'll come."Danny and Rafe said. But what they didn't know is that they are driving into a whole death trap......

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