Chapter 11

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Nancie woke up from a great night sleep with Danny's arms still wrapped around her. She turned to face Danny and couldn't help but think how cute and peaceful he looked whilst sleeping and then she started playing with his hair. After she needed to go to the toilet so she carefully got up without waking Danny.

"Nancie?"Danny woke up wondering where she was and got up looking for her.

After Nancie was done on the toilet she slipped on a puddle of water that was on the floor.

"Owww!" Nancie moaned as she hit her forehead on the floor and it was now bleeding. Nancie couldn't get up she tried to but was too weak so she just hoped Danny found her.
"Why did I decide to come in here by myself again?"Nancie whispered to herself. Trying to get up again but failed.
When Danny was walking he heard a bang from the bathroom and quickly went to see what happened.
"Nancie!"Danny said whilst running over to her "what happened!"
"I went to the bathroom and fell over and I can't get up."Nancie said laughing slightly. Danny just smiled and then it turned into a look of worry.
"Your Head is bleeding and why didn't you you ask me up to help you?"He said.
" you looked so cute I didn't want to wake you and I know Its bleeding and I now have a pounding headache."Nancie said rubbing her head.
"Cmon let's go and get it cleaned."Danny said taking Nancies hand carefully helping her up.
Whilst Danny was cleaning Nancies head she was wondering would he be around when their baby is born and if he meant what he said the night before. But before she could ask Danny best her to it.
"Did you mean what you said last night?"Danny asked Nannie taking her to the bed and laying down with her after cleaning her head.
"Yes did you?"Nancie asked not looking at Danny incase he didn't mean it.
"Yes I know I messed up but I'll allways love you Nancie and hopefully you will somehow forgive me?"Danny said.
"I'll always love you too I forgive you but if it ever happens again I won't speak to  you."Nancie says turning to face Danny.
"I promise."Danny said cuddling Nancie.
After 5 minutes of silence Nancie whispered
"I really do love you Danny goodnight.
"I really do love you beautiful goodnight."Danny said.
The next 2 weeks was the same Danny stayed with Nancie at the hospital until she could leave which was today by the time Danny dropped Nancie off to Bettys house it was night time so she went to bed. Danny left knowing she was in good hands and went to go sort things out with Rafe after not talking to him. What they both didn't know that something was going to happen the next day.....

Nancie McCawley x Danny Walker COMPLETED✅ Where stories live. Discover now