Chapter 2

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The next morning:

Nancie woke up from her sleep and noticed a note beside her reading,

Nancie i carried you back from the beach last night and put you to bed since you fell asleep but I'll see you tomorrow.
Love DW x

After reading this Nancies heart fluttered and decided to get ready into her nurses outfit.

Today every man had to be given a needle to stop them from getting yellow fever.Nancie didn't do the eye test but Evelyn already gave Rafe a pass on it because she knew how much he wanted it since Nancie slyly told her before it was Rafe's turn.

"Rafe McCawley." Evelyn called ready to give him his needle. "Hello Evelyn nice to see you again where is Nancie." Rafe questioned. Evelyn pointed to were Nancie was and she was giving Red a needle.

"3,2,1"Evelyn counted down before jabbing the needle in Rafe. "Owww!"He shouted

"Oh Rafe don't be such a baby." Nancie shouted from the other side of the room while laughing to herself Rafe just glared at her for embarrassing him. Nancie was now ready for the next patient and to her surprise it was Danny.

"Danny Walker." Nancie called out with a smile on her face.

"Hello Nancie did you get my note from last night?"Danny asked smiling back at her.

"Yes I did and thank you for taking me back Danny." Nancie said blushing as she was getting the needle ready.

"Is this really neces-" Danny was cut off when the needle was pushed into him and he jumped.

"Well at least you didn't wine like Rafe did." Nancie smiled and she patted Danny on the back.
"Well I don't want to make myself look like a baby I'm front of you do i?" Danny said while raising a eyebrow.Nancie just laughed and smiled up at him with her big blue eyes.

"Why don't you and me go out tonight,I'm sure Evelyn and Rafe will come too and maybe Betty and Red since they've become close?" Danny asked Nancie. "What like a triple date?"Nancie questioned?

"Well if that's what yo-"

"Ok great pick me up at 7 sharp." Nancie said while getting ready for her next patient.Danny just kissed her head making Nancie blush and he left to go and find Rafe.

Nancie was just finishing getting ready when some mail came to her she opened it to see a letter and a gift the letter read:

Dear Nancie,
I miss you so much things are going smoothly me and Rafe passed the flying test so now we are qualified soldiers who can fly planes! We also passed the normal training which Rafe struggled a bit with but we did it! I was walking along the street when I came across a shop selling jewellery so I picked this up for you because it reminded me of you so I hope you like it. We are coming to Pearl Harbour next week so maybe we will see you there with the other nurses?
Love Danny W x

Nancie opened the gift and it was a beautiful red Pearl necklace and earring set Danny must've remember that red was her favourite colour and she loved wearing pearls. Coincidentally the jewellery matched with her outfit,she was wearing a black dress with some red heels with her hair down and curly. She put the jewellery on and as scheduled Danny was right outside waiting for her.

Nancie McCawley x Danny Walker COMPLETED✅ Where stories live. Discover now